21-27 of 27 Results

Lychee: Antioxidant Powerhouse or Dangerous for Children?

With its unique appearance, one-of-a-kind flavor and incredible nutrient profile, lychee stands out alongside other tropical fruits like dragon fruit, mangosteen and tamarind fruit as a true superstar ingredient. Not only is it packed with antioxidants and micronutrients, but it's also rich in several powerful key compounds that can work wonders when it comes to…

Rambutan: Gut & Bone Supporter or Narcotic-Like Toxin?

Much like other tropical fruits, such as the jackfruit, lychee and mangosteen, rambutan is a serious showstopper on the grocery store shelf. Striking the perfect balance between sweet and sour, it is a one-of-a-kind ingredient thanks to both its unique appearance and impressive nutrient profile. Not only is it a great source of several important…

Soursop: The Vitamin C Superfruit that May Help Fight Cancer

What if I told you there was a fruit that's great for your eyes, can treat infections and even shows promise as a potential cancer-fighting food? Would you be interested? If you answered yes — and why wouldn't you? — let me introduce you to soursop. Soursop is usually found in South America and often…

Sumac Spice: The Heart-Healthy, Bone-Supporting Antioxidant Herb

With its tangy, lemon-like flavor and vibrant red hue, sumac spice is a superstar ingredient that deserves a spot in every spice cabinet. Besides adding a zip of flavor and color to dishes, this powerful spice has also been associated with an extensive set of benefits. Thanks to its rich content of polyphenols and flavonoids,…

Vitamin B: Top 6 Benefits and How to Get More in Your Diet

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, only a fraction of U.S. adults currently gets the recommended daily intake of all B vitamins from their diets alone. (1) What does vitamin B do to your body, and why is it risky to be deficient in one or more of them? "Vitamin B" actually refers…

5 Benefits of the Ayurvedic Diet + How to Follow an Ayurvedic Diet Plan

Ayurveda, considered a natural system of healing wisdom, originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. (1) This Sanskrit word Ayurveda translates as “the knowledge of life" (ayur means life, while veda means science or knowledge). Ayurvedic medicine is still practiced widely today in modern India and now also extends its influence worldwide, including the practice…