51-56 of 56 Results

How to Balance Omega 3 6 9 Fatty Acids

When it comes to omega fatty acids in our diets, we often hear about the many health benefits of omega-3s. Less attention is given to health perks associated with other important fatty acids, namely omega-6s and omega-9s. All three of these fatty acids — omega 3 6 9 — have a role to play in…

Best Omega-6 Foods, Surprising Benefits & Proper Ratio with Omega-3s

There’s an essential fatty acid that is necessary for optimal health but cannot be produced on its own by the body. I’m talking about omega-6. Omega-6 fatty acids, like omega-3s, are essential fatty acids that can only be obtained through food and supplements. But even though this healthy fat is not produced in the body…

Tingling Fingers or Toes? It Could Be Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most common cause of sudden-onset paralysis in the developed world, causing more than 6,000 hospitalizations each year in the United States alone. Each year GBS is estimated to affect about 1–2 people per every 100,000 living in the U.S. or Europe. (1) What are the first signs of Guillain-Barre? Numbness…

Omega-9 Benefits the Heart, Brain & Your Mood

It’s no wonder that there's much confusion about what oils, fish and nuts are considered healthy fats and which ones are not. Most have heard of omega-3 fatty acids and maybe even omega-6 fatty acids, but what do you know about omega-9 fatty acids and the omega-9 benefits available in this type of fat? Omega-9…

How Wine Helps Fight Cavities

If you enjoy kicking back with a red wine, here's another reason to pour yourself a glass. According to a recent study, the antioxidants found in red wine known as polyphenols can protect teeth by ridding the mouth of harmful bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities. How Wine Helps Fight Cavities When it comes…

Celiac Disease Diet: Foods, Tips & Products to Avoid

Estimates show that rates of celiac disease diagnoses have risen by nearly 400 percent since the 1960s, and many health authorities speculate that there still may be a significant percentage of people living with undiagnosed celiac disease or similar problems.(1) In the U.S. and most other industrialized nations, slightly less than 1 percent of all adults have…