Bone Building Juice Recipe - Dr. Axe

Bone Building Juice Recipe

Bone building juice recipe - Dr. Axe

This bone building juice recipe provides vitamins and nutrients that are essential to building strong and healthy bones! Try this delicious combination today!

Total Time

5 minutes




  • ½ avocado
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 1 cup cabbage
  • 2 cucumbers


  1. Add spinach, cabbage and cucumbers to vegetable juicer. Add avocado and juice in blender and mix together on lowest setting.
  2. Consume immediately.

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  1. Polly Nickolson on

    I am Stomachless and wondering if juicing will help with my bone health. Being that I don’t have stomach acid will I still absorb the nutrients?

  2. Cj on

    I am surprised and disappointed to find Spinach in a bone building recipe. Spinach and chard may contain calcium but also are high in oxalates that prevent the absorbtion of calcium into the body. Please explain how this can work. Thank you.

  3. Judy on

    I cannot thank you enough for bringing so much encouragement with your fantastic helps and info. I was just into this and mct oil and protein powder were my first items. Then I stopped gluten. Low and behold I caught your program on PBS and could not believe I was hearing just what I needed. They said it would take quite a while to get my pkg. That was Dec. 3rd. I read all I could, and slowly started changing over. I have now been on Keto all that time, and have gone from 198 to 177, plus a large lump on the right side of my neck is gone. I do take warfarin, so I have to watch! Thanks so much I wish I had found you sooner, But, all things point positive. I am 73, and people are still skeptical?

  4. June on

    This I’m drinking in Smoothie form
    More like RAW Soup
    It’s Creamy and I add a pinch of Celtic salt .
    Healing my Broken Shoulder

  5. Glenda Daniles on

    Hi Dr Axe, I have hashimoto so is this juice good for me or should I blanch the spinach and cabbage befor I juice them? Thanks

  6. brenda butigan on

    I’m so confused! Been diagnosed with osteoporosis and want to eat and drink the right foods. It just makes more sense to bring and eat the whole fruit and vegetable. Why do these records say to juice and you lose a good portion of the foot and vegetable?

    Just want to do the right thing. Please help.

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      Hi Brenda, you can certainly eat whole fruits and vegetables. A lot of people just prefer juicing because it is easier to get your daily recommended servings. I hope this helps!

  7. ANT on

    CES I have POTS too. I took all the sugar (cane sugar, corn syrup, etc.) out of my diet. It’s very acidic and my body was using the minerals that are good for my teeth and bones to help keep my blood at a healthy PH when I was eating a lot of sweets. This helped me with my teeth and bones. When I begin to exercise I start with the tinyist increment and build VERY slowly. So, like one rep of an exercise I would wish to do. Then the next day two reps. It seems silly to do so little at first but I was able to sneak around the POTS by doing it this way. Otherwise, I just had more fatigue and POTS symptoms worse with exercise. At the 6 month to 1 year mark I could do a regular 15 minute workout. All floor exercises lying down of course. Check with your doctor about exercise first. Some very great POTS experts gave me the exercise info and it helped me.

  8. Donna on

    I only have my small intestine due to severe colitis. What do you suggest the best way is for me to get my nutrients in me in the most affective benificial way? I can have very high output when eating too much of the ‘good’ stuff. Thanks

  9. Janet on

    Dr Axe, thanks for this recipe. I’ve been juicing for 2 years as a supplement, and have also been taking liquid calcium/vitD/magnesium supplement for 2 yrs. just had a bone scan and my doc was alarmed at my increasing bone loss so she put me on monthly calcium regimen. I thought I was doing everything right -also walking every day- I’m so frustrated about this bone loss. What do YOU think I can do to help this?

    • Susan on

      How much vitamin supplement have you been doing. Just curious as I am having bone loss also and have started supplementing.

  10. Leslie George on

    I recently had a bad fall and dislocated and fractured my left shoulder. It has been 4 weeks sine the accident and I have been doing all things possible to repair and rebuild the bone as well as all the torn ligaments muscles. I juice every day as well as try to eat healthy. I have added several supplements, natural anti inflammatory thins such as tumeric, enzymes and I am using ancient oils magnesium spray along with lemon grass essential oil which has helped tremendously. Is there any other recommendations you have to help rebuild the bone? I am 59 so there are concerns of the bone not repairing properly due to hormonal issues. Would appreciate any info you could send my way. Thanks and God bless.

  11. Kathy on

    I read somewhere that I cannot eat or drink spinach and kale while I have thyroid. Are there any substitution for those vegetables?

  12. Carolyn gibbs on

    Can juicing help slow the progression of dementia? If so what are the best veggies to use and how often? Enjoy reading all of your articles and believe in taking control of our health. Thanks!

  13. Ken on

    Sorry an important question: in terms of adding a protein powder to my morning smoothie, should it be a “bone broth powder” or a “collagen protein powder”? Sorry just confused between the two and would appreciate any assistance. Thanks in advance.

  14. CES on

    I was diagnosed with POTS Syndrome is there anything that will help with the shortness of breathe, and the Bone loss in my jaw and legs. I have Atrial Tachycardia, Arrithmia so I can only do mild exercises

    • john2 on

      get stem cell treatment for things that serious . they d miracles these days and simple .. cheap guy in utah . probably cheapest . lower over head . taking off now cause they use your own cells from fat and bone. then ya good for 5 or 6 years at least ..

  15. carole on

    I have not been at this juicing long but I can’t understand throwing out so much fiber .I use it!! if I make a juice I watch that each item is soup material and dump the ingredient (garbage left) into a pan before I add things that are not things that I would add to a soup , like cucumber or apple.then after my juice I make a soup with what is left over. You need to make sure everything is washed and or peeled. If I do a carrot juice , leftovers good for cake or other dish, carrot raisin pineapple salad.. like I said I am just learning

      • Bette A on

        I got rid of my juicer and just use the nutribullet. It’s great at liquefying everything and I’m not wasting all that wonderful fibre. And baking with it kind of defeated the purpose.

    • john2 on

      fiber and pulp is what is great for you .. fiber in pants fights cancer .. blend it or use it later i say .. glad people think the same .. i know people cured cancer from plant fiber.. chunk it up . just plants are good for you . you eat less. lol.

  16. Marie M. on

    This seems like a tasty recipe, and no doubt nutrient dense and maybe bone building, but my understanding is that this would be a very high histamine beverage, not to mention quite goitrogenic. Hypothyroidism commonly associated with declining bone health, so it seems like this might not be most ideal juice to consume for improving bone health if suffering from that common ailment.

  17. Elaine on

    Is it okay to eat the spinach daily raw or what I read from various places that it should be cooked and only sometimes raw. I would love to know as I have been making a juice for awhile for my family but using raw spinach.

  18. Ken on

    I use a masticating juicer from Mercola,does a wonderful job of making juice and then I use the pulp with fresh veggies to make a stew or soup,everything gets used.This machine is very easy to clean.

  19. John wayne on

    if ur wondering watt kinda juice machine to use, try using a cheap one; for exam. Jack lalane from cosco. Its about 90.00. Some ppl quit juicing after a while, because they don’t like the clean up or they just get tired of it. Veggies can be a little pricey especially organic ones. So buy something moderate for now. If u continue to juice religiously, then buy something really good. Min 300 to 450.00$$$ i use brownville and the one from jay kordish.

    • Caryn on

      I have a Vita Mix blender and a Green Star juicer and wouldn’t trade either one for another brand – they both have their place in my kitchen.

      • Deb on

        I have those 2 also and just bought mutiny bullet for work. I don’t juice daily but am trying to get in habit. I do juice a large amount of ginger and freeze in 2oz containers. I try to drink one a day. Haven’t had a cold since starting this

  20. linda on

    Hello, New York City prices. one avocado $2-3. One cucumber $1.00, one head of cabbage $4.00, one bag of baby spbaginach $2 Trader Joe;s.

    $4 for a class of juice. times 30 days i $120.month. My food stamps are $120 – as a senior citizen.

    another option: Prunes. $3 a bag at Trader Joe’s . one bag a week is $12.00 per month.

    • elaine on

      Good Grief! How on earth can they justify those sort of prices for vegetables?
      Here in south Spain you’re talking €1,50 for a KILO avocados, €0.75 for a KILO cucumber, €1 per head of cabbage, one300g bag of pre washed spinach €1, or €1 per kilo and wash it yourself.
      Maybe try growing your own veggies in a window box!

  21. Ann on

    I have a juicer and a Vitamix. I have read all the discussions about each and just use the Vitamix. Are recipes that you say “juice” completely transferable to a Vitamix?? Just can’t see throwing away all the stuff! Would love your take on this!

      • Karima on

        Dr. Josh Axe, I agree with Ann. I thought including the fiber was the best thing for you? Is that just true for some veggies?

      • Dr. Josh Axe on

        Both are great! Juicing and blending are both great ways to include a lot of produce in our diet but they have different health benefits.
        When you juice you are removing the insoluble fiber. Fiber is amazing for you and so necessary for health. It keeps your digestive tract healthy and it slows down the absorption of sugar. But there are only so many vegetables you can eat without being full. When you are juicing, you are able to consume increased amounts of the nutrients that you wouldn’t have been able to when simply blending or eating the vegetables because they are concentrated. I personally do both!

    • Marek Redburn on

      I realise that this post is over 1 year old, but in response to “what do you do with the veggie pulp” (Okay, it wasn’t stated as such, but the “Just can’t see throwing away all the stuff!” is pretty much it).

      -If you have a traditional juicer, keep the pulp. Put it in a ziplock bag (or similar) and keep it in the freezer. Use it in tomato sauce or soups or anything else.

      -If you have a slow juicer, then your pulp is pretty much just fiber, I’d put it in the compost bin.

      Hope that helps.

      • Deb on

        Hmm what is difference between slow juicer and traditional. I have green star elite. Vat times I’ve saved pulp and added it to soup and meatloaf

    • Sonia on

      I have both also. Vitamix & Omega Slow juicer. I juice all GREENS. And all Smoothies I use the Vitamix & Summer cold soups, This way I don’t discard Vitamins Fiber. Eat fruit w/fiber, it slows down insulin(glucose)😁😁😁

    • john2 on

      well if that bad you can get stem cells from your own body . they inject it in the area . tat regrows or solids over dead spots .. get sight here though for longevity feeding bodies stem cells and health .. get stem cells all over the world . cheapest country is in civil unrest dirt cheap . places in colorado . mayo clinic . i found cheap guy in utah who is nice and simple . get knee’s done .. treat one knee and they go ever help the other one. even do organs by feeding it into vain feeding the organ and even dementia and debilitating diseases . but this site is great for idea’s . i be on here now . idea’s and recipes .. bone broth and collagen will help mixed in . dr,ax has good collagen i here . 5 grand for stem cels in utah but does he do jaws and still need mri if don’t have one.


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