1-10 of 353 Results

7 Kefir Benefits, Including Boosting Immunity and the Gut

Tabbed as an “it” health food of the 21st century, kefir is a probiotic drink that contains many bioactive compounds, including up to 30 different strains of "good guy" bacteria. These probiotics, such as lactic acid bacteria, are capable of helping boost immune function and fight against harmful microbes and carcinogens — plus they are often…

Kefir vs. Yogurt: How to Decide Which Is Right for You

In the world of probiotic (or cultured) dairy products, there are two main foods to choose from: kefir vs. yogurt. So which is better? Both kefir and yogurt are made by fermenting milk, which results in the growth of gut-friendly bacteria, yeasts and microbes. While yogurt may be more well-known and widely available, kefir is…

Water Kefir: Can This Probiotic Powerhouse Really Boost Health?

Water kefir is a fermented, fizzy drink that has become a fast favorite among health-conscious consumers, all thanks to its delicious flavor, extensive nutrient profile and gut-boosting benefits. Plus, it's often selected over other probiotic-rich foods like milk or coconut kefir because it's dairy-free, vegan-friendly and easy to prepare at home from the comfort of…

Coconut Kefir: The Probiotic Food that Improves Immunity and Digestion

Tabbed as an “it” health food of the 21st century, kefir — especially coconut kefir — contains many probiotic, bioactive compounds and as many as 30 strains of good bacteria that help fight against tumors, bacteria, carcinogens and more. (1) What is kefir? It's a delicious, tangy, probiotic drink traditionally made with kefir grains and…

5 Natural Treatments for Anemia Symptoms

Anemia, also known as anaemia, occurs when your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells or if your red blood cells don't have enough hemoglobin. Because a side effect of anemia is low circulation of oxygen, anemia symptoms usually include muscle weakness, ongoing fatigue or lethargy, brain fog, and sometimes mood…

5 Natural Treatments for Dehydration Symptoms

Most of us love the summer months, spending time anywhere the weather’s warm and working up a good sweat. However, long periods of hot, humid climates — or exposure to soaring temperatures in other forms, such as from exercising (especially in the heat) — can lead to problems associated with an electrolyte imbalance, including dehydration…

6 Steps for How to Balance Hormones Naturally

Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline and insulin — are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your overall health. That's why a hormonal imbalance can be problematic, so you want to make sure you know how to balance hormones. Conventional treatments for hormonal imbalances typically include synthetic hormone replacement therapies, birth…

100 Healthy Snacks: Best Healthy Snack Ideas for on the Go

Pop quiz: When are you most vulnerable to making unhealthy choices? A. When you have delicious, good-for-you treats nearby? Or B. When you’re hungry and desperate to eat something — anything? If you picked the latter, you’re not alone. It’s easy to eat healthily when nutritious foods are at your fingertips, but when your only…

Natural Eczema Treatment: 13 Home Remedies (Plus Symptoms & Causes)

Is your skin red, dry, scaly and extremely itchy? These are common eczema symptoms, a skin condition believed to affect more than 31 million Americans, leaving many to search for the best eczema treatment options. What is eczema? It actually isn’t a single condition — it's a group of skin conditions that includes: atopic dermatitis…

Top 22+ Cooling Foods & Herbs (Plus Benefits)

If you were to ask a practitioner of traditional medicine, "How can I reduce my body heat?" they're likely to recommend adding more cooling foods and herbs to your diet in order to bring things into balance. What are cooling foods, and how do they work? A variety of fruits, veggies, herbs and other foods…