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30 Delicious, Nutritious Juicing Recipes You’re Sure to Love
June 27, 2023

Are you a fan of juices? I’m not talking about those sugary, sweet supermarket kinds, but rather homemade juicing recipes.
These drinks provide you with massive antioxidant, fruit and veggie boosts with minimal effort — also known as a juice cleanse. That’s why you want to try out the juicing recipes that are just right for you.
You can buy all-natural juices from specialty brands, but they aren’t easy on the wallet — just a few days’ worth can quickly add up. Luckily, juices are easy to make at home with a juicer or high-powered blender.
If you aren’t sure what ingredients make the best juices, we have you covered. These delicious, nutritious juicing recipes are sure to pique your taste buds and make healthy living taste that much more delicious.
Healthy, Homemade Juicing Recipes
1. Anti-Inflammatory Juice
Inflammation is the root of most diseases — so why not stop it at the source? This juice is packed with anti-inflammatory foods that leave you feeling great.
Pro tip: Use canned pineapple packed in juice (not syrup!) when pineapple isn’t in season to keep this juice easy on the wallet.
2. Beet and Berry Liver Cleanse Juice
Beets and berries: No, it isn’t a new band, but a juice recipe your liver will thank you for.
That’s because it’s packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that make for a great liver cleanse — plus, can you really resist that luscious color?!
3. Beet Carrot Apple Juice
Swap your afternoon coffee for this juice when that post-lunch slump hits. Refreshing and made with just a handful of ingredients, this beet carrot apple juice is the perfect perk.
4. Tomato Basil Juice
This simple juicing recipe combines tomato, basil and cucumber for a refreshing, delicious and nutritious juice that’s ready in a matter of minutes.
5. Cellulite Slim Down Juice
The combination of cucumber, celery, ginger, citrus and parsley makes this one of the more unique juicing recipes, and it turns out thanks to the nutrients these veggies and fruits supply, this drink could help manage cellulite. You can also go with simply celery juice.
6. Cherry Mango Anti-Inflammatory Juice
Three fruity, juicy ingredients make for one naturally sweet juice. This recipe, packed with antioxidants and immunity-boosting ingredients, is the perfect way to start your day right.
7. Cleansing Green Juice
It’s not always easy to get enough greens in each day. Luckily, this juice helps you fight half the battle. Packed with cucumbers, celery and lettuce, you’ll have a few servings of veggies before breakfast is over.
8. Ginger-Aid Immune Juice
So simple, yet so good: This immunity-boosting juice is loaded with everyone’s favorite green, kale, and garlic, one of the best natural anti-inflammatory agents. It’s zesty, it’s power-packed and it’s the juice you need.

Photo: Ginger-Aid Immune Juice / Free People
9. Alkaline Juice
This recipe is great to get your body back into balance. Packed with alkaline foods like carrot, cucumber, cabbage, kale or spinach, lime and ginger, it can help restore pH balance and support overall health.
10. Golden Glow Elixir Juice
Blended with water, this golden glow elixir might not be a strict “juice,” but you won’t mind once you notice how great it leaves you feeling. Apples and oranges make appearances, as do turmeric and ginger, a digestive wonder.
11. Sweet Beet Juice
With just three ingredients — beets, celery and green apple — this juicing recipe is a breeze to make. It tastes great too!
12. Green Juice for Women
Ladies, this one is especially for you. If you find your hormones out of whack or need help feeling like yourself, try this green juice. This juicing recipe, brimming with parsley, celery, spirulina powder and other nutrients, is just what the doctor ordered.
13. Hormone Helper Juice
Add this one as well to the list of hormone-supporting juicing recipes. This one utilizes a veggie mixture of cucumber, basil, broccoli, cabbage and sprouts.
14. Hot Pink Beautifying Juice
Not only is this juice absolutely stunning in color, but it’s great for you too. The beets pack an anti-inflammatory punch and detox the blood — and there’s so much pigment that you won’t believe there’s a bunch of kale in there, too.

Photo: Hot Pink Beautifying Juice / VegAnnie
15. Immunity-Boosting Juice
The next time you feel a cold coming on, stop it in its tracks with this immunity-boosting juice recipe. Vitamins in general are terrific at building up your defenses, and this juice is full of them, from vitamin C to vitamin A.
With just enough sweetness thanks to the apple, this juice feels more like a treat than a natural cold-preventer.
16. Migraine Reliever Juice
Is your head throbbing? Sip on this juice.
Magnesium is known to help with headaches, and this drink has heaps of it. With just half a pineapple (use canned if necessary), your choice of leafy greens, a stick of celery, lemon and ginger, you likely already have the ingredients you need.
17. Orange Carrot Ginger Juice
If you think fresh drinks are just for adults, think again. This kid-friendly juice recipe is a great way to sneak some extra veggies into your child’s diet. Plus, it tastes so good the entire family will love it!
18. Pineapple Kale Juice
While this juice might taste like a sip of the tropics, it’s pretty impressive how much green is in here. We’re talking kale and Swiss chard, which is often overshadowed by its popular cousin but full of antioxidants and other nutrients in its own right. Start your day with this simple beverage.
19. Liver Detox Juice
Made with beets, celery, cilantro, lemon and ginger, this juice is great for your liver. Try it as part of a liver cleanse.
20. Spinach Shots
It’s time to knock back a few shots — spinach shots, that is. This shot requires just three ingredients for a quick snack and veggie boost. I especially love the suggestion to cook up the leftover pulp and toss with pasta for a super-simple dinner.
21. Strawberry, Watermelon and Cucumber Juice
If you’re a fan of store-bought fruit juices, this homemade juice recipe will change your world. Strawberries, watermelon and cucumber combine to produce one of the most refreshing, zestiest drinks you’ve had. For even more flavor, serve this one with fresh mint.

Photo: Strawberry, Watermelon and Cucumber Juice / Living Chic Mom
22. Sweet Cilantro Juice
OK, cilantro haters won’t enjoy this juice recipe, but for those who are fans of the herb, this juice is a real treat. That’s because cilantro helps ride the body of heavy metals, lower anxiety and improve sleep — not too shabby!
Adding oranges ensures this juice doesn’t taste super “green” and adds some vitamin C-packed citrus. Yum!
23. Citrus Bliss Juice
The citrus in this one comes via grapefruit, a true powerhouse of nutrition. Combined with cucumber, apple and peppermint, this refreshing beverage can support immunity and so much more.
24. Super Hydrator Juice
Few beverages hydrate better than coconut water, and this juice uses it as a base. Mixed with celery, cucumber and lime, this green juice will help replenish fluids and provide a nice boost of nutrients.
25. Bone-Building Juice
A drink for your bones? That’s right, thanks to vitamin K-rich spinach, along with avocado, cabbage and cucumber. All of these foods help with bone health and could be beneficial in lowering the risk for fractures and osteoporosis.
26. Heart Hot Juice
The phytonutrients in this juicing recipe provide a boost to your heart. Where do these phytochemicals come from? This dynamic mix of ginger, garlic, jalapeno, beets, carrots, lemon and cucumber.
27. High Energy Juice
Beets are a true superfood, and one of their benefits is providing a solid boost of energy. When you combine the red veggie with celery, green apple and cucumber, it may just become one of your favorite homemade juicing recipes.
28. Green Detox Machine Juice
A great thing about greens is that they do a great job of helping detox the body, which is one reason why green juicing recipes are so popular. This detox drink combines several greens: celery, broccoli, asparagus, cilantro and chard. Drink this anytime to flush out those toxins to feel your best.
29. Basic Vegetable Juice
If you’re looking for no-frills juicing recipes, this one may vault to the top of the list. As the name suggests, it’s a basic juice that combines cucumber, carrots, lemon and green apple. That’s it!
30. Immune-Boosting Juice
Few foods support immunity better than fruits and vegetables. This homemade juice recipe take advantage of the immune-boosting benefits of the following foods: bell peppers, broccoli, lemon, cucumber, ginger and apple cider vinegar.