1-10 of 106 Results

Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment Options, Including Diet & Supplementation

Chronic pain affects millions of people in the United States. According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, fibromyalgia affects an estimated 10 million people in the U.S. and approximately 3 percent to 6 percent of the global population. (1)  Researchers estimate that somewhere between 75 percent and 90 percent of all of those with fibromyalgia are…

8 Natural Ways to Overcome Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Over 6 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, and 90 percent of fibromyalgia sufferers are women. It's still up for debate why far more women get fibromyalgia than men. Some healthcare professionals claim it's due to decreased serotonin levels in the brains of women. Unfortunately, people suffering from fibromyalgia struggle with pain, fatigue, depression and other common…

Cayenne Pepper Benefits Your Gut, Heart and More

Many of us have used cayenne pepper to add a little spice to our meals, but did you know that it has the power to change your health? It has been used for both food and medicine for the last 9,000 years! Cayenne pepper can stimulate your body’s circulation and reduce acidity. It’s a powerful,…

Spinach Nutrition: The Vitamin K Powerhouse That Protects Bone, Eye, Brain & Heart Health

Spinach is considered to be one of the world's healthiest foods, with researchers identifying more than a dozen different types of flavonoid antioxidants alone that are present in the leafy green, not to mention all of its other vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. Spinach nutrition has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities, and if you combine that with…

Iodine-Rich Foods & Benefits for the Thyroid, Etc.

Iodine is considered one of the body’s vital nutrients, responsible for regulating thyroid function, supporting a healthy metabolism, aiding in growth and development, and preventing certain chronic diseases. Unfortunately, many adults don’t consume enough iodine-rich foods and, thus, suffer from an iodine deficiency. Therefore, many suffer a range of negative health consequences as a result,…

8+ ‘You Won’t Believe It’ Natural Painkillers

Painkilling drugs can do wonders for patients that need them, but they also can be extremely addictive and potentially lead to serious side effects. Even acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol, affects us in ways we’re only now starting to fully understand — it makes people less empathetic — which makes it more important than…

Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods and How to Follow This Diet

Inflammation as a bodily function is not necessarily a bad thing. When the body is injured or ill, the lymphatic (immune) system springs into action, bringing the immune system’s army of white blood cells to the area of concern via increased blood flow. With the increased attention to the area, there might also be swelling,…

Anxiety Natural Remedies: 15+ Ways to Relax & Find Calm

Anxiety can be a disabling condition that's accompanied by long-term stress and a decline in overall health. It contributes to many chronic diseases, even when treated with conventional medications. That's why we need to use natural remedies for anxiety and other mood disorders that address the root of the problem instead of putting a Band-Aid…

Interstitial Cystitis: 6 Natural Ways to Help Relieve Bladder Pain

Approximately 3–6 percent of all women (3 to 8 million) living in the United States suffer from the painful pelvic condition called interstitial cystitis (IC). IC is much more common in women than in men, but it also affects somewhere between 1–4 million men in the U.S. alone. Children can also be affected be interstitial…

Dangers of Heavy Metals & How to Do a Heavy Metal Detox

Symptoms and even chronic diseases related to heavy metal toxicity (also called heavy metal poisoning) is now considered to be a problem that millions of people deal with. That makes incorporating a heavy metal detox into your routine from time to time vitally important. Exposure to toxic heavy metals is believed to be a contributing…