101-110 of 401 Results

Passion Fruit’s Major Health Benefits, Plus How to Eat It

Most people are familiar with passion fruit juice or purée, but maybe you're wondering, "Can you eat passion fruit?" The answer is yes — and you might want to considering it's a good source of antioxidants, fiber and other other nutrients. This tropical fruit has long history of use in places such as Brazil, India…

Ginger Tea Recipe, Plus 10 Major Benefits

Fresh ginger tea and similar tonics have been used across the globe as natural remedies for symptoms like nausea for thousands of years due to the plant's unique medicinal properties. Records show that the Ancient Chinese, Romans, Greeks and Arabs all relied upon ginger root in one way or another, at a time when anti-nausea…

Avocado Benefits: The Most Nutrition-Packed Food on the Planet?

Avocado has snagged a spot as one of the world's healthiest superfoods — and for good reason. In addition to being delicious and easy to enjoy, avocados also contain a hearty dose of important nutrients, such as fiber, good fats, potassium and vitamin K. That's why there are several avocado benefits, with research suggesting that…

Honey Benefits for Energy, Improving Health & Why It Should Be Raw

Switching out your intake of sugar and high fructose corn syrup and using honey instead appears to offer significant health benefits. The average American adult consumes about 17 teaspoons of added sugar every day. Per capital in 2021, American consumed 69.8 pound of high fructose corn syrup — that's around 13 teaspoons per day. In…

Dragon Fruit Benefits, Including for Anti-Aging and Heart Health

Although it may sound like it belongs in a fairytale or story book rather than on your plate, dragon fruit is a versatile, vibrant and nutritious ingredient that's brimming with health benefits. Also called dragon pearl fruit, cactus fruits, pitahaya or pitaya, dragon fruit is a tropical and delicious superfood that can do a lot…

Best 20 Foods with Vitamin C

There are few vitamins that boast as many health benefits as vitamin C. Doubling as both an essential nutrient and powerful antioxidant, eating vitamin C foods can have a huge impact on your health from the inside out — quite literally. In fact, vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) works to improve everything from skin health…

Banana Nutrition: Gut Healer or Blood Sugar Disruptor?

Bananas can be a perplexing food. On the one hand, we know that banana nutrition is high in sugar, and sugar is anything but good for us. On the other hand, we also hear that they are full of important nutrients that can help promote better health. So what’s the verdict on banana nutrition and…

Maple Syrup: the Most Versatile, Best Natural Sweetener?

Maple syrup is now among the most commonly consumed natural sweeteners worldwide. What are the benefits of maple syrup? This sweetener does more than make your pancakes taste sweet. It surprisingly has health benefits, including providing certain protective phytochemicals. Similar to the contrast between whole and refined grains, unrefined natural sweeteners that are used as sugar…

Top 15 Peppermint Oil Uses and Benefits for Gut Health, Headaches & More

Peppermint oil is one of the most versatile essential oils out there. It can be used aromatically, topically and internally to address a number of health concerns, from muscles aches and seasonal allergy symptoms to low energy and digestive complaints. It's also commonly used to boost energy levels and improve both skin and hair health.…

Star Fruit: The Vitamin C Powerhouse that Supports Immunity and Digestion

Sometimes used as little more than a garnish due to its vibrant color and interesting star-like appearance, the star fruit is actually packed with important nutrients and health benefits that make it well worth adding to your plate. It’s high in antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C and has been recognized for its health-promoting properties in…