111-120 of 1562 Results

Monsanto Lawsuit: Agricultural Giant Ordered to Pay $289 Million in Cancer Case

A recent Monsanto lawsuit outcome feels like a win for the people. Finally. More than two years after the World Health Organization labeled the main ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup as "probably carcinogenic to humans," the court system ruled the billion-dollar company is liable for its product's potentially cancer-causing effects. Roundup is the most popular weedkiller in…

Myositis: Causes of Inflammatory Muscle Diseases (+ 6 Natural Remedies)

Myositis is a general name for a group of conditions that cause muscle inflammation. The diseases are also known as inflammatory myopathies and can cause muscle weakness, pain and damage. In most cases, the disease responds to medical treatment. Myositis is rare, and most people with this type of muscle inflammation require medical care. However,…

Tenesmus (What Causes the Urge to Poop? + 6 Natural Treatments)

Experts consider tenesmus to be both a physical and mental condition. It feels as if there is stool to pass, but there usually isn't. Tenesmus is different than diarrhea because when you go to the bathroom not much, or nothing at all comes out. The sensation of needing to poop can be caused by faulty…

What Is Reiki … and Can It Really Help Cancer Patients?

Everyone is familiar with massage therapy and its healing abilities for both the body and the mind. However, most people probably don't know that massage therapists use many Reiki techniques in their work. What is Reiki? I'm glad you asked. Reiki is thought to be a natural application of health in which massage practitioners place…

Epstein Barr Virus Causes, Symptoms and 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Believe it or not, there's a very high chance that you, or an immediate family member, has had Epstein Barr virus (EBV) at some point. Many children, teens and adults contract this virus but have no idea, since it doesn't always cause any noticeable symptoms. EBV is considered a prevalent virus in most developed countries, affecting…

Stomach Pain Causes + 6 Natural Remedies to Treat Abdominal Pain

Stomach pain is something that almost everyone feels at one time or another. People with stomach pain (also called abdominal pain) most often have muscle strain, gas pain or an upset stomach. (1) Stomach pain is a general term that covers many conditions. Here we cover many of the most common reasons you may have…

Recognize Ovarian Cancer Symptoms (+ 3 Natural Ways to Help Ease Treatment)

Roughly 1 in 75 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer at some point during their lifetimes. According to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, in women between the ages of 35–74, ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. (1) Considering how serious ovarian cancer tends to be in its later stages, both preventive…

Prostate Cancer Symptoms + 10 Natural Ways to Help Cancer Treatment

About one in every nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. The risk for developing prostate cancer is greatest for men over the age of 65, especially those who African-American. In the Unites States, second to skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men. It's estimated that about…

Fir Needle Essential Oil — Fight Cancer, Infections & Even Odor

The mention of fir needle most likely conjures up scenes of a winter wonderland, but this tree and its essential oil are year-round sources of enjoyment as well as good health. Fir needle essential oil is extracted through a process of steam distillation from fir needles, which are the soft, flat, needle-like “leaves” of a…

Myocarditis: Causes 45% of Heart Transplants in the U.S. Each Year

Myocarditis is a rare type of heart disease that usually causes no symptoms, but it can be life-threatening. Myocarditis gets its name because the middle layer of the heart muscle is called the myocardium. "Myo" means heart and "carditis" means inflammation. Is myocarditis a heart attack? No, but it can sometimes lead to one. Symptoms of myocarditis,…