131-140 of 1562 Results

Peritonitis Causes & Symptoms + How to Get Your Health Back

Peritonitis is a serious infection or inflammatory response that can either be confined to the peritoneum (abdomen) or widespread. What can cause peritonitis? A number of things can trigger peritonitis. Peritonitis is usually caused by infection from bacteria or fungi that enter through a leakage or a hole in the digestive system, such as the intestines…

7 Budwig Diet Benefits for Cancer Prevention + More

One of the most common questions I have been asked over the years is “what is the best diet for cancer?” And while I don’t claim to be a cancer curer, I do believe there is sufficient evidence that there are certain healing foods, herbs and treatments that can help to fight and prevent cancer.…

Vanilla Oil Helps Balance Hormones, Reduce Inflammation & Prevent Cancer

Vanilla extract is widely used in both commercial and domestic baking, perfume manufacturing and aromatherapy, but many people don't realize the array of health benefits that come from using vanilla oil, even though it is not technically an essential oil. Internally, pure vanilla oil fights inflammation, works as an antidepressant and contains high levels of antioxidants…

Pruritus Causes + 5 Natural Treatments for Itchy Skin

Pruritus, or skin itching, is a common skin problem associated with many different diseases — some of which only affect the skin and others that stem from underlying conditions affecting the whole body. Almost everyone will deal with skin itchiness, dryness and irritation at some point, but what makes pruritus different is its intensity and…

Uveitis Causes + 7 Tips to Improve Eye Health

Uveitis is a group of eye conditions that cause inflammation in the eye (usually in the uvea, which is in between the outer and inner layers of the eye). (1) It can happen on its own or as part of another disease affecting the body. About 38,000 cases happen each year in the U.S. (2)…

Do Apricot Seeds (Laetrile or “Vitamin B17”) Fight Cancer?

Nutritionally, apricot seeds are similar to other nuts — they're rich in healthy fats and provide some fiber and iron. There are a number of ways that apricot seeds are used in our foods today. Seeds or kernels of the apricot grown in central Asia and around the Mediterranean are so sweet that they're sometimes substituted for almonds. The Italian liqueur amaretto, and amaretti biscotti, is…

Hypogonadism Causes + 6 Ways to Help Balance Hormone Levels

If you or a loved one is struggling with hypogonadism, you may already know that it can be a devastating condition that reduces your quality of life and livelihood. People with hypogonadism can experience muscle loss, low libido, infertility and depressed mood. In fact, these symptoms can make talking about hypogonadism difficult. (1) Thankfully, research…

Top Causes of Death Worldwide (and How to Avoid Them!)

Spoiler alert: all of us will die at some point. But how we die is fascinating, because it provides insight into the health “trends” in our society as a whole, like what progress we’ve made and where we’re lagging. A great measure of that is the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), released annually by the Institute for Health Metrics…

Prostate Exam: Should All Men Get a Prostate Cancer Screening?

Prostate health is of the utmost importance for men, particularly men over the age of 40. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS), prostate cancer is second most common cancer in American men, trailing only skin cancer. (1) This is why so many men are encouraged to get a prostate exam, but recent…