111-120 of 180 Results

Is It Just a Rash? 5 Natural Tips to Help Soothe Erythema Symptoms

If you've had a rash, you may have had erythema. The Greek word erythros means "red." Thus, erythema is any sort of abnormal redness of your skin. Not only is unusual, visible skin redness often a source of social embarrassment for many people, but it can also be painful, as well as a symptom for…

Valley Fever: 8 Natural Tips to Help Prevent This Soil-Borne Illness

Valley fever is a fungal infection that is most common in the Southwestern United States and parts of Central and South America. The fungus lives in the soil and can cause the infection when you breathe in dust or fungal spores in the air. The disease is also called coccidioidomycosis. Valley fever can be managed…

Damiana: The Herb that Can Enhance Mood, Libido & More

There's evidence that damiana herb has a very long history of use as a natural aphrodisiac and relaxant in Central and South America, dating back to the time of the ancient Aztecs, Mayans and Guaycura who lived in modern-day Mexico. What does damiana do, and what makes it beneficial? Some people compare damiana to cannabis due…

Hirsutism: 5 Natural Tips for Body Hair Removal, Managing PCOS & More

Hirsutism is a condition that affects women, causing male-pattern hair growth. The hair grows in dark and coarse in places like the chest, face and back. It can range in severity and its impact on self-esteem and mental health. Some women may find the hair growth manageable and not bothersome, while others may find it…

6 Benefits of Fennel Essential Oil (4 of Which Help Your Gut!)

You're probably familiar with the black licorice flavor of fennel, and while not everyone likes licorice, you can still get all the fennel benefits by using fennel essential oil. Fennel essential oil is best known as a powerful ingredient for good digestive health. Like its root plant, it has a licorice-like flavor and an aroma that's…

Does Your Shoulder Hurt? Thoracic Outlet Syndrome + 8 Exercises to Help Recovery

Between 7 percent to 47 percent of "working age" adults experience shoulder pain at least from time- to-time, especially those who work in office settings and have occupations requiring use of their arms in elevation (like hairdressers/barbers, switchboard operators, assembly line workers, etc.) (1) Although thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) has always been considered a somewhat…

Know When It’s a Heart Attack: 10 Heart Attack Symptoms (+ 7 Tips to Help Recovery)

Dramatically clutching the chest and slowly sinking to the floor is often how heart attacks are presented in television and movies. And while heart attack symptoms can arise suddenly and be quite intense, more often the symptoms start more slowly and are milder, according to the American Heart Association. (1) Heart attack symptoms can present…

Essential Oil Safety (and Are Essential Oil Diffusers Safe?)

Essential oils have been shown in studies to have very few negative side effects or risks when they are used as directed. But given how popular essential oils have become in recent years, and how many different brands of oils are now available, it's not surprising that there's some growing concerns regarding essential oil safety.…