131-140 of 180 Results

Not Hungry? Loss of Appetite Causes + 6 Natural Remedies

Appetite is "the desire to fulfill a bodily need." The type of appetite we are most familiar with is hunger — which drives us to eat so we obtain enough calories, get essential vitamins and minerals, and experience satiety/satiation (the feeling of fullness during and after eating). What does it mean when you lose your…

Bladder Cancer Symptoms (+ 6 Natural Ways to Help Cancer Treatment)

It's estimated that more than 2 percent of all men and women (or about 1 in 50) will be diagnosed with bladder cancer at some point during their lifetime. (1) In the United States alone, as of 2014 there were more than 696,000 people living with bladder cancer and more than 68,000 new cases diagnosed…

Traveling into Thin Air: Altitude Sickness Prevention (+ 4 Natural Treatments)

Have you ever felt dizzy or lightheaded after traveling somewhere high above sea level? You may have experienced altitude sickness (or "mountain sickness" as it's sometimes called), a type of bodily stress caused by traveling to locations at a much higher altitude than your body is accustomed to. It's a big concern for travelers —…

7 Best Home Remedies for Cough

Coughing is a common reaction to the respiratory system trying to expel harmful microbes, dust or irritants from the body. It's a natural reflex that protects your lungs, but as you know, it can be extremely irritating, obnoxious and even painful. Coughing can also keep you up at night and impact your quality of life…

6 Natural Alternatives to Psychiatric Drugs

Do you or a loved one take any so-called psychotropic drugs? It's certainly no longer uncommon, as roughly 17 percent of American adults currently take at least one psychotropic drug. (1) These drugs are used in order to alter how the brain functions, usually in an effort to treat a mental illness of some sort.…

Why Your Cat Loves Catnip (+ 4 Human Catnip Uses!)

People often wonder: Does catnip get cats high? Or, is catnip bad for cats? If you're a cat owner, then you probably already know that felines basically go wild for this perennial herb. All it takes is a few sniffs and cats enter a delirious, somewhat crazy state. It's estimated that around 50 percent of…

Infertility Natural Treatments & Home Remedies

If you’re a woman, you either already have or almost undoubtedly will hear the tick of your biological clock at some point in your life calling you to become a mother. What if that tick goes unanswered? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of women in America suffer from infertility,…

Lou Gehrig’s Disease (+ 6 Ways to Help Manage ALS Symptoms)

ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Early signs of Lou Gehrig's disease can include muscle weakness, especially in the arms and hands, muscle atrophy, and trouble with speech and swallowing. According to Johns Hopkins Medical School, approximately 5,600 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with ALS each year. (1) The incidence…

Panic Attack Symptoms + 10 Unexpected Triggers

Have you ever experienced panic attack symptoms? If you have, then you know that the sensations are so intense it feels like you could be having a heart attack or other serious health issue. Panic attacks are characterized by a fear of losing control or surviving a disaster, even though there is no real danger…

Adenomyosis: Enlarged Uterus Causes (+ 6 Tips for Pain Relief)

Adenomysosis affects many women, usually in their 40s and 50s. It is an enlargement or thickening of the uterus. It happens when the uterus lining, called endometrial tissue, starts growing inside the actual wall and tissue of the uterus. (1) Although adenomyosis can cause painful, heavy periods for some women, it often does not cause any…