121-130 of 180 Results

77 Coconut Oil Uses: for Food, Body & Skin Care, Household + More

Coconut oil might just be the most versatile health food on the planet, so much so that I consider it a top superfood. Not only is it my favorite cooking oil, but coconut oil uses are numerous and can extend to being a form of natural medicine, be used for natural beauty treatments and so…

What’s Not to Love? Lovage Helps UTIs + 4 More Lovage Benefits

You may not have heard of lovage. It's a lesser-known plant, but it actually has many culinary as well as medicinal uses. What is the flavor of lovage? It's often described as being similar to celery. What is the herb lovage used for? In the kitchen, it's a memorable addition to all kinds of dishes…

Autism Natural Treatment, Including the Right Foods & Supplements

Autism is a developmental disorder that initially occurs in early childhood. It generally affects a child’s language, behavior and social skills in development. The exact cause of autism is unknown, but some reasons may include medications (specifically valproic acid and thalidomide) taken during pregnancy, exposure to toxins, infections, inflammation, leaky gut, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies and…

Learn to Recognize the 12 Signs of Depression

Did you know that depression is predicted to be the leading cause of disease burden by 2030? In fact, it's already the leading cause in women worldwide. When including depressive-related deaths due to suicide and stroke, depression has the third highest global disease burden. (1) For people with depression, their negative thoughts overshadow all of…

13 Natural Remedies for Depression: Find Hope Again!

Did you know that 1 out of 7 individuals will suffer from depression symptoms at some point in his or her life? Today, depression is one of the main causes of disability in developed, as well as low and medium income countries. In fact, around 150 million people suffer from depression worldwide. (1) The World Health Organization…

Borderline Personality Disorder: 4 Natural Ways to Help BPD Treatment

Maybe someone you know is struggling with borderline personality disorder. The hallmark trait of borderline personality disorder is having a hard time regulating emotions — which can lead to intense mood swings, impulsivity and a number of behavioral problems. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the most common mental disorders that adults experience. According…

Can the Ketogenic Diet Treat Depression and Anxiety, Even Schizophrenia?

Mental illnesses range in severity from mildly inconvenient to completely debilitating. Unfortunately, no matter the level, there are few ways to effectively treat many psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia — the disease that’s been a common topic for filmmakers and authors as the pinnacle of crippling insanity. However, research has begun slowly leaning toward a possible…

What Are Fructans? Signs of Fructan Intolerance & How to Overcome It

Found in abundance throughout the food supply — both in natural food sources and added into processed foods — most of us get a hearty dose of fructans in our daily diets without even realizing it. Not only is fructan plentiful in grains and wheat products, but it’s also present in many types of fruits,…

Acid Reflux Symptoms, Causes & Natural Treatments

Between 25 percent to 40 percent of Americans of all ages suffer from acid reflux symptoms. An estimated 20 percent of adults experience gastroesophageal reflux disease weekly or daily — commonly called GERD or referred to as heartburn, a more severe case of acid reflux. (1) Why do so many suffer from these agitating, often…

Akathisia + 4 Ways to Help Manage Symptoms

Can't sit still? It may just be nervous energy or it could be something more serious like akathisia. Akathisia is a somewhat common problem that can contribute to behavioral problems in psychiatric settings/hospital wards, issues with drug compliance, and side effects in patients being treated for cancer. It can even be an underlying cause of…