161-170 of 205 Results

Mandarin Essential Oil Improves Skin + Even Helps Combat Cancer

With quite a history dating back thousands of years to traditional Chinese medicine, mandarin is known to be the sweetest and the most calming of all citrus essential oils. Why? Mandarin essential oil is very mild and known for many healing properties. For instance, mandarin essential oil is useful in helping to reduce acne, brighten the skin,…

What Is the Wheat Belly Diet Plan?

According to research conducted by the the United States Department of Agriculture, people in the U.S. consume about 500 more calories today than they did 40 years ago — and a whopping 92 percent of the increased per capita caloric intake is attributable to processed grains, oils and other fats dominating most Americans' diets. Surveys show…

Postbiotics: Uses + 5 Benefits for Gut Health & Beyond

While knowledge about the benefits associated with probiotics has exploded over the past decade, many people are still unsure about how prebiotics and postbiotics work. Probiotics are the "good" (or "friendly") bacteria that colonize the digestive system and support many functions of the immune system. Prebiotics essentially feed probiotics, helping them survive and reproduce through the…

Avoid This One Drink to Help Overcome Your Ragweed Allergy Symptoms

Living with a ragweed allergy can make life absolutely miserable for a good chunk of the year. The worst part? The most intense ragweed allergy symptoms seem to hit right when you should be enjoying the best of what the warmer months have to offer. When you're dealing with ragweed allergies, poolside relaxation, vacationing by…

Vasculitis: Inflamed Blood Vessels + 4 Natural Treatments

Vasculitis is a group of inflammatory disorders that affect the blood vessels. Vasculitis can affect both small or large arteries. This includes major blood vessels like the aorta, as well as capillaries, medium-sized veins. Or it can include a combination of different sized blood vessels. In some cases, vasculitis causes only a portion of an…

7 Natural Treatments to Ease Lymphangitis Symptoms

Do you have swollen and tender red streaks that start at an opening in the skin and radiate to the armpit or groin? If so, you may be suffering from lymphangitis, a bacterial infection that is commonly caused by the same bacteria that causes strep throat and cellulitis. Lymphangitis is an infection that can spread…

5 Danger Foods You’re Consuming on a Regular Basis

Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine and the food is medicine concept, once said, "All disease begins in the gut." Today, more than ever, we know this is true as we hear scientists connecting disease after disease to microbiome disruption. This assault on your gut — largely triggered by eating danger foods — often leads to a…

Editorial: How I Reversed an Autoimmune Disease

Today, I live an active, “normal” life. I work, play hide and seek with my two young boys, hike with my dogs on the weekend, and try to keep up with the ever-growing housework. You’d never know that just 16 months ago I suffered from an advanced stage of an autoimmune disease. I spent most of my…

Is an Acai Berry Cleanse Good for You? Separating Fact from Fiction

Are you concerned about the buildup of toxins in your system from the chemicals you’re exposed to on a regular basis? Then you may have heard of the potential benefits of doing an acai berry cleanse. Detoxes and cleanses are tricky subjects, so make sure you are very informed before beginning this kind of regimen,…

Why Am I Hungry? Weird Things Stoking Your Appetite

"Why am I hungry … like all of the time?" Is that a question you're asking a lot lately? That's because weight loss is a bit more complicated than "calories in, calories out." While that is certainly important, getting your hormones under control is key to stifle an out-of-control appetite. Luckily, you're not destined for…