11-20 of 1145 Results

Is Flatulence Good for You? (Does It Depend on the Smell?)

Most of us have been there: experiencing excessive farting that feels out of our control and causes a whole heck of a lot of embarrassment. While the average person farts nearly every day, some people deal with a bloated stomach and excessive flatulence more often than others. One of the most aggravating things about having…

What Is Jaundice? Get the Facts on Neonatal vs. Adult Jaundice

The term jaundice is derived from the French word "jaune," meaning yellow, which make sense because that's exactly what jaundice does — it causes the skin and eyes to have a yellow discoloration. Neonatal jaundice is one of the most common conditions requiring medical attention in newborn babies. Approximately 60 percent of term and 80…

Benefits of Collagen for Joints (Plus Best Types to Use)

For many, healthy joints are essential for an active life, but wear and tear — or conditions like osteoarthritis — can lead to pain and stiffness. This is where collagen for joints comes in considering this structural protein that plays a vital role in joint health. Collagen, often touted as the "glue" that holds the…

Herbal Tea Benefits + How to Make at Home

Herbal tea is made from plants that have therapeutic properties, with impressive nutritional value and health-promoting antioxidants. This type of tea is commonly consumed in traditional medicine to help the body maintain balance and ward off illness. Adding a daily cup of herbal tea to your diet can boost your antioxidant intake by a whole…

Hyponatremia Symptoms, Causes, Treatments & Why Your Body Needs Sodium

Hyponatremia means low sodium levels in the blood. It's the opposite of the condition called hypernatremia, in which sodium levels are very high. Both conditions often occur when patients are staying in the hospital. This is especially true if they are receiving fluid intravenously, have an existing condition like kidney or heart disease, or are…

Can Boiling Water Remove Microplastics? Plus the Dangers of Nanoplastics

A study conducted by the Environment Agency Austria in 2018 estimated that more than half of the world population may harbor microplastics in their stools. As alarming as that is, things have only become more disturbing since. According to research published in Environmental International in March 2022, microplastics have now been found in human blood.…

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Benefits for the Heart, Brain, Joints & More

Omega-3s (or omega-3 fatty acids) have earned a great deal of respect in the health community, but do you know what omega-3s are? What are the benefits of omega-3s, and could you be deficient in these fatty acids? We’ll unpack these questions one by one, but let’s start by saying that omega-3 fatty acids are…

How to Get the Benefits of Dark Chocolate & Avoid Heavy Metal Exposure

The average American consumes up to 20 pounds of chocolate each year, and well over $100 billion is spent annually worldwide on chocolate. With this much chocolate eating going on, it's essential to make smarter choices about what kinds you consume so you can enjoy your favorite treats guiltless and take advantage of all the…

Cayenne Pepper Benefits Your Gut, Heart and More

Many of us have used cayenne pepper to add a little spice to our meals, but did you know that it has the power to change your health? It has been used for both food and medicine for the last 9,000 years! Cayenne pepper can stimulate your body’s circulation and reduce acidity. It’s a powerful,…

Kimchi: Learn How to Make This Benefit-Rich Fermented Food

What is kimchi? Also called gimchi or kimchee, it is a traditional, fermented, probiotic food that is a staple Korean side dish. Dating back hundreds of years, there are dozens of different recipes for making kimchi, but nearly all have several vegetables and seasonings in common that give it its signature taste. Some of the main…