11-17 of 17 Results

What Is Tallow? Top 5 Reasons to Use This Form of Fat

Want to know a little-known fact about McDonald’s french fries? Before Mcdonald's starting using hydrogenated vegetable oils to fry its fries, the company used good, old-fashioned beef tallow. Many other fast food restaurants did, too, including Burger King, Wendy's, Hardee's, Arby's, Dairy Queen, Popeyes and Bob's Big Boy. For centuries, tallow (or beef fat) was…

Most Supplements Contain Magnesium Stearate — Is It Safe?

One of the most widely used additives in drugs and supplements today is magnesium stearate. You’ll actually be hard-pressed to find any supplement sold on the market today that doesn’t include it — whether we're talking magnesium supplements, digestive enzymes or another supplement of your choice — though you may not see it named directly.…

Lipozene Reviews: The Truth Behind This Weight Loss Supplement

The claims are quite bold to be sure: "Lipozene can help you lose weight without ever changing your diet or exercising, and customers can’t stop raving about how great it works in their Lipozene reviews." As you know, I’m not a huge fan of “miracle” supplements, even a fiber supplement, that make grandiose claims and…

Roseola: How to Soothe ‘Sixth Disease’ Symptoms

Roseola is a viral illness that most commonly affects children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years old. It is extremely common, and most children will have been infected by the time they enter kindergarten. Some children will experience very mild symptoms, while others will host a wide range of symptoms, including a…

Pumpkin Seeds Help Combat Diabetes, Heart Disease & Cancer Cells

Pumpkins are an integral part of the holiday season. From pumpkin carving to sweet pumpkin spice and fresh pumpkin pie, it’s hard to imagine fall without this bright orange fruit. Unfortunately, pumpkin seeds, much like pumpkin seed oil, often get lost in the mix and are frequently discarded or ignored altogether in favor of the…

What Is a Sea Cucumber & Can You Eat It?

Sea cucumber is considered a delicacy in some Asian and Middle Eastern cultures. It is farmed commercially or gathered on ocean floors by divers because of the culinary value and uses in traditional folk medicine. Despite their name, sea cucumbers are not vegetables, but marine animals that live on the seafloor. They are shaped like…

DIY Cuticle Cream with Lavender & Myrrh

Getting a manicure is a great way to keep your fingernails in shape, but have you thought about your cuticles and why they are important? Cuticles keep dirt and bacteria out of the body. If the cuticle does not exist or has been cut away, it leaves the body vulnerable to infection and nail fungus because dirt and…