191-200 of 1111 Results

How to Achieve Tension Headache Relief

Millions of people suffer from chronic, lingering headaches that can develop almost daily — yet the causes of the most common so-called "tension headache" are not well-understood. For many people, chronic tension headaches can really disturb their quality of life, immediately putting them in a bad mood, making it hard to get good sleep and…

What Is Candida Die Off? 6 Ways to Manage Symptoms

If you recently cleaned up your diet, gave up alcohol or went gluten-free and now you unexpectedly find yourself feeling worse than you did before, then you might be experiencing symptoms of "candida die off."  Many people describe candida die off symptoms — which can include headaches, brain fog, nausea and more — as being…

How Your Digestive System Works (+ How to Maintain It)

The Western diet and lifestyle are linked to a growing number of digestive diseases. The health of your digestive system has a lot to do with lifestyle, since it's in part determined by the food you eat, the amount of exercise you get and your stress level throughout the day. By better understanding the digestive…

Contact Dermatitis: 16 Natural Ways to Soothe Skin Irritation

When an irritant or something we have a sensitivity to touches our skin, an itchy, blistery rash can be the result. In fact, virtually everyone will develop contact dermatitis at some point during their lives. Generally, it resolves without medical intervention, but if it persists for a month — or reoccurs and you don’t know…

Research Reveals Adding Yoga to Exercise Routine Could Improve Heart Health

It's common knowledge that the benefits of exercise include improved heart health, and it turns out adding yoga to your exercise may enhance those cardioprotective benefits. This finding comes a three-month pilot study of people with hypertension. The study sought to determine if adding yoga to a regular exercise regimen could lower risk factors for…

Rosacea Treatment: 6 Natural Ways to Treat Your Skin

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects between 0.5 percent to 10 percent of the population, leaving people searching for rosacea treatment options. It commonly develops during teenage years or someone's 20s and then can become worse into the 30s or 40s. The cause of rosacea is still not entirely understood, though there are…

Different Headache Types, Causes and 15 Natural Remedies

Life can get pretty busy and stressful, and the “common” headache is sometimes overlooked or masked with a painkiller like aspirin (which, especially when overused, can sometimes cause more serious health issues). A headache is a good indicator that your body is missing something – maybe you need to take a breather, drink some water or…

12 Natural Sore Throat Remedies for Fast Relief

A sore throat can come on at any time, and it's caused by a number of reasons. Thankfully, there are natural sore throat remedies that you can use at home and don't require an antibiotic prescription to deal with sore throat problems. Some sore throats can be due to a bacterial infection or strep throat,…

Rosemary Oil Uses and Benefits for Hair Growth and More

Rosemary is much more than an aromatic herb that tastes great on potatoes and roasted lamb. Rosemary oil is actually one of the most powerful herbs and essential oils on the planet! Having an antioxidant ORAC value of 11,070, rosemary has the same incredible free radical-fighting power as goji berries. This wooded evergreen native to…

Missed or Irregular Periods? Causes & Natural Remedies

Abnormal menstrual cycles can be a complicated issue to fix, since women’s hormones are impacted by a number of different factors and bodily systems. According to a report about absent periods published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, frequently missed periods over an extended period of time is a relatively common condition that…