281-290 of 318 Results

Health Coach: Skills, Training + Benefits of Working with One

As concerns keep growing globally regarding rising levels of obesity and chronic diseases related to poor nutrition, the help of health coaches seems to be needed more than ever. Health coaches — who have similar roles to registered dietitians (RDs) and certified nutritionists, but also some important differences — are valuable because they are said…

Appendicitis Symptoms + 16 Natural Ways to Boost Recovery

For an organ that has no known purpose, the appendix sure causes its share of problems. Approximately 300,000 appendectomies are performed each year. In fact, it's the most common emergency surgery in the United States. Appendicitis symptoms must be taken seriously. Both children and adults require emergency medical attention immediately. According to the Cleveland Clinic,…

5 Postural Restoration Benefits: Lower Pain While Improving Performance

As children, we tend to use both sides of our bodies much more easily compared to when we're adults. As we age, we gradually start to favor one side of the body, forming muscular patterns as we repeatedly strengthen our dominant side. The result is that over time — when we do this over, and over,…

Top 50 Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors

Raise your hand if you've ever gone to the doctor, weren't seen on time and then spent just a few minutes with your doctor before being ushered out? Or perhaps your health care provider sent you home with a few new prescriptions and no real explanation as to why your health was suffering? Welcome to…

What Is the Wheat Belly Diet Plan?

According to research conducted by the the United States Department of Agriculture, people in the U.S. consume about 500 more calories today than they did 40 years ago — and a whopping 92 percent of the increased per capita caloric intake is attributable to processed grains, oils and other fats dominating most Americans' diets. Surveys show…

How Fermented Foods Reduce Social Anxiety

According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 15 million adults in the U.S. have social anxiety disorder. Onset typically occurs at 13 years old, and over one-third of people suffer with the symptoms for 10 years or more before seeking help. Social anxiety disorder causes extreme fear in social situations where judgment and being…

8 Essential Oils for Sore Throat Pain

Did you know that essential oils can actually help make a sore throat go away quicker or avoid one all together? Sore throats can happen anytime of the year for a variety of reasons. A sore throat is an irritation, scratchiness or pain of the throat that often worsens when swallowing. (1) Your throat or pharynx, by…

What Kind of Leaky Gut Test Should You Take?

Think you might have leaky gut syndrome, causing you to experience symptoms like arthritis, fatigue, headaches and mood changes? If so, you should strongly consider taking a leaky gut test. Many health and nutrition experts agree that to a large extent, health really begins in your gut. Why? A large portion of your immune system…

The Best Shoulder Workouts for Women

When you learn about the complexity of shoulder anatomy, it's clear the best shoulder workouts for women should be on your radar. Why? The shoulder is considered the most mobile joint in the entire human body. (1) As a "ball and socket" joint, the shoulder’s joint capsule allows for a wide range of up-and-down, back-and-forth, movements…

Postbiotics: Uses + 5 Benefits for Gut Health & Beyond

While knowledge about the benefits associated with probiotics has exploded over the past decade, many people are still unsure about how prebiotics and postbiotics work. Probiotics are the "good" (or "friendly") bacteria that colonize the digestive system and support many functions of the immune system. Prebiotics essentially feed probiotics, helping them survive and reproduce through the…