21-30 of 42 Results

Can You Take Too Much Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is generally considered to be a very safe and beneficial supplement to take, especially because a high percentage of people are deficient in this important vitamin. While there’s good reason to prioritize getting enough vitamin D — considering vitamin D deficiency symptoms can impact the immune system, heart and more— it’s still potentially…

5 Natural Treatments for Dehydration Symptoms

Most of us love the summer months, spending time anywhere the weather’s warm and working up a good sweat. However, long periods of hot, humid climates — or exposure to soaring temperatures in other forms, such as from exercising — can lead to problems associated with an electrolyte imbalance, including dehydration symptoms. Some surveys show…

Why Am I Always Cold? Causes + How to Fix It

"Why am I always so cold?" This question — "Why am I always cold? — you're more likely to hear from women compared to men, those with thyroid and circulation-related issues, and people who are underweight — all of whom may have a low body temperature for a variety of reasons. Some experts describe abnormal sensitivity…

Beta Blockers: How They Work, Types, Benefits & Side Effects

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a whopping 70 percent of adults over the age of 65 living in the United States take at least one type of heart medication every day. Among the most commonly prescribed types include beta blockers, which are used by millions of Americans to manage a variety…

Mustard Oil: Dangerous or Key Health- and Flavor-Boosting Agent?

There are many food sources that have been debated over the years as to whether or not they're helpful or harmful to human health — from eggs and dairy to alcohol and caffeine. You can add mustard oil to that list. Mustard oil has had a tough go at it for some time, considered toxic…

How to Prevent Negative Vitamin D Side Effects

Sufficient blood levels of vitamin D may help defend against many symptoms and chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, bone fractures and depression, just to name a new of the positive vitamin D side effects. It's no surprise then that so many people now supplement with vitamin D, especially considering that vitamin D deficiency is…

Which Ashwagandha Dosage Is Right for You?

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry or Indian winter cherry, is known to be a "broad-spectrum remedy" that has positive effects on many bodily systems, including the immune, neurological, endocrine and reproductive systems. What does the latest research tell us about ashwagandha benefits? This powerful herb can help a wide range of conditions and symptoms,…

Subclinical Hypothyroidism Symptoms (Plus, 3 Natural Remedies)

Subclinical hypothyroidism — which affects between an estimated 3 to 8 percent of the population, especially women and older adults — can be the cause of symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety and poor memory. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is considered a type of "mild thyroid failure," and in some cases is an early form of hypothyroidism.…

Copper Deficiency Symptoms + Sources to Reverse It

Copper is an essential mineral that benefits bone, nerve, and skeletal health. Therefore, although it is not that common, a copper deficiency can actually harm the body in multiple ways. Copper is important for the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells, as well as for the proper utilization of iron and oxygen within the…

5 Natural Ways to Help Relieve Hydronephrosis Symptoms

Hydronephrosis (swelling and urine retention) in one kidney occurs in about one in 100 people. There's also some evidence that about two percent of all prenatal ultrasound examinations reveal some degree of hydronephrosis, making it "one of the most commonly detected abnormalities in pregnancy." (1) Things that put you at risk for hydronephrosis include: having…