81-90 of 169 Results

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Benefits for the Heart, Brain, Joints & More

Omega-3s (or omega-3 fatty acids) have earned a great deal of respect in the health community, but do you know what omega-3s are? What are the benefits of omega-3s, and could you be deficient in these fatty acids? We’ll unpack these questions one by one, but let’s start by saying that omega-3 fatty acids are…

Pancreatic Enzymes Benefits for Gut & Immune Health

Digestion and assimilation of nutrients are complex processes that occur over several hours, starting from the moment that you place food into your mouth. The pancreas is essential in digestion, as it it secretes pancreatic enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of foods into smaller molecules — allowing the body to actually use fats, vitamins, minerals,…

Paleo Diet Beginner’s Guide, Including Best vs. Worst Foods

In the past few decades, our diets have changed dramatically. Highly processed foods are more common than fruits and vegetables, as Americans opt for convenient choices that fit in to their busy lifestyles. Enter the Paleo diet plan, which seeks to ditch processed options in favor of the foods eaten by our ancestors. The Paleo…

Probiotics Side Effects: What You May Experience, Temporarily

Just about every type of supplement, plus the majority of medications, too, have the potential to cause side effects. But what are “side effects” exactly, and why do they occur? A side effect is any typically undesirable effect of a drug or medical treatment. When a supplement, over-the-counter drug, or prescription causes side effects, it…

Senna Tea: Healthy Natural Laxative or Too Much of a Good Thing?

Senna is an herb that comes from a variety of flowering species of Cassia plants, often used to make senna tea. Senna leaf, fruit and pods have been used in tea form as a purgative or natural laxative for centuries. In fact, Arabian physicians are said to have discussed senna's medicinal qualities all the way…

Algal Oil: A Vegetarian Source of Omega-3s and DHA

Algal oil is the oil that is derived directly from algae. It contains DHA, which accounts for 97 percent of the omega-3 fats in the brain. Unfortunately, not enough Americans get enough sources of this essential fatty acid. Algal oil is a plant-based, marine DHA oil that does not come from cold-water fish. As scientists…

Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms & How to Overcome Them

Vitamin C is a nutrient that is crucial to health. In fact, a vitamin C deficiency can wreak havoc on just about everything from immune function to wound healing, maintaining strong blood vessels and energy levels. In the long term, it may even have more serious consequences, including a higher risk of chronic disease and…

16 Omega-3 Foods Your Body Needs Now

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered “essential” fatty acids because the body isn’t capable of producing them on its own. Therefore, we must rely on omega-3 foods in our diets to supply these extremely beneficial fats. There are actually three different types of “omega-3s”: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The preferred sources…

Is Toxic Poop a Myth or Reality?

"Toxic poop" is a term used to describe guck and impacted fetal matter that has built up in someone's colon over the course of months or even years. We hear about the potentially dangerous effects of toxic poop most often from people who promote colon cleanses in order to rid the body of lingering waste. In…

What Is Phosphatidylcholine? Benefits, Uses, Forms & Side Effects

Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid that makes an important neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. It plays a role in memory, movement and metabolism and is used to reduce fat deposits in the liver and under the skin. The naturally occurring chemical is present in eggs, red meat, nuts and whole grains. It can also be taken in supplement…