121-130 of 169 Results

Serrapeptase: Beneficial Anti-Inflammatory Enzyme or Just Hype?

According to a 2017 article published in the Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, "Serratiopeptidase is a leading enzyme which has a very long history in medical as an effective anti-inflammatory drug." (1) Starting in the 1950s, proteolytic enzymes in the same family as serrapeptase began being used as natural painkilling agents. They were primarily prescribed to…

Wheatgrass Benefits: The Superfood that Boosts Immunity & Nutrient Absorption

According to surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about 27 percent of Americans get more than three servings of vegetables per day. (1) Most of us know by now that we need to be eating fresh fruits and veggies every day in abundance for optimal health and detoxification. However, for many…

Protease: The Enzyme that Makes Protein & Amino Acids Tick

Maybe we don't give enzymes enough credit. They are required for literally every single chemical action that takes place in our bodies — from digestion to immune function and blood flow. We are able to see, think and breathe because of protease. What are proteases? They're enzymes that allow for the breakdown of proteins in…

4 Natural Remedies for Colon Polyps Symptoms

Colorectal cancer —  now the second most common cause of cancer death in the U.S. — usually begins as a "polyp," which is why another name for colon polyps is "colorectal polyps." The type of colon polyp called an adenoma is a known precursor of colorectal cancer. While in some cases small colon polyps will develop…

Oleic Acid: Top 9 Uses & Benefits of This Healthy Fat

You've probably heard about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, which can be partly attributed to the healthy fats found in olive oil. Well, did you know that oleic acid, the fatty acid that's the most abundant component in olive oil, is what allows for these benefits? Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid…

How An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Helped Me Reverse Chronic Health Conditions

Perhaps you’ve heard the term ‘anti-inflammatory diet’ over recent years and wondered what all the hype is about. I’m here to tell you that it’s not some trendy diet trend about anti-inflammatory foods or crazy fad (or really even a diet at all!), rather a holistic way to naturally support your body and just about…

Tenesmus (What Causes the Urge to Poop? + 6 Natural Treatments)

Experts consider tenesmus to be both a physical and mental condition. It feels as if there is stool to pass, but there usually isn't. Tenesmus is different than diarrhea because when you go to the bathroom not much, or nothing at all comes out. The sensation of needing to poop can be caused by faulty…

Epstein Barr Virus Causes, Symptoms and 5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Believe it or not, there's a very high chance that you, or an immediate family member, has had Epstein Barr virus (EBV) at some point. Many children, teens and adults contract this virus but have no idea, since it doesn't always cause any noticeable symptoms. EBV is considered a prevalent virus in most developed countries, affecting…

9 Myths of Pasteurization (or Homogenization) + Better Options

Pasteurization is one of those “miracles” of modern culture that may not be so miraculous, after all. Although the Center of Disease Control (CDC) paints a picture of raw, unpasteurized milk as a relative horror story, even doctors have doubted the benefits of pasteurization from the beginning. As it turns out, we’re fed a lot…

BPA Toxic Effects & Symptoms: How BPA Destroys Your Body

Bisphenol A (known as BPA) is a carbon-based, synthetic compound that is ubiquitous in modern-day life. It's used in everything from shatter-resistant plastic water bottles and food storage containers to cash register receipts and canned food and drink liners. It's even in coffee cans and beer kegs. Despite it being literally impossible to fully avoid,…