Paleo Protein Pancakes Recipe - Dr. Axe

Paleo Protein Pancakes Recipe


Are you ready to make one of the most powerful breakfasts ever in just minutes? It’s time to try my Paleo Protein Pancakes. If you enjoy pancakes — or even if you don’t, for that matter — you’re going to love this morning meal.

These pancakes are made from coconut flour, so they’re perfect for those avoiding gluten. The applesauce keeps them light and fluffy and adds a hint of sweetness. But what really makes these protein pancakes is the protein powder made from bone broth they’re prepared with.

Paleo bone broth protein pancakes ingredients - Dr. Axe
Bone broth’s benefits are numerous, from healing the gut to protecting joints, which is why my favorite protein powder to use is one derived from bone broth (just make sure to use an unflavored variety). Ready to get this super-healthy breakfast on the table? In a medium bowl, whisk together the applesauce, eggs and coconut oil together. Next, stir the coconut flour, protein powder made from bone broth and Himalayan salt, and let it sit for five minutes.Then, in a large skillet, heat the benefit-rich coconut oil over medium-high heat. Once the oil is heated, drop the protein pancake batter into the skillet and fry until bubbles have formed on top. That’s your cue that it’s time to flip those pancakes! Flip and cook for a few more minutes until the other side of the pancake is cooked through.

Paleo bone broth protein pancakes recipe - Dr. AxeTop the pancakes with maple syrup and fresh berries, raw honey and cinnamon, or both! Maple syrup is loaded with nutrition but I still recommend you go light on the natural sugars. You can also try to drizzle a little of coconut nectar, where a little goes a long way.

Paleo bone broth protein pancakes recipe - Dr. Axe
These make a super simple breakfast or a quick post-workout snack. These Paleo protein pancakes with protein powder made from bone broth also freeze well so you can heat them up whenever you want. Enjoy!

Paleo bone broth protein pancakes recipe - Dr. Axe

Total Time

12 minutes



Diet Type



  • ½ cup applesauce
  • 3-4 eggs
  • ¼ cup melted coconut oil
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • ¾-1 cup unflavored protein powder from bone broth
  • ⅛ teaspoon of Himalayan salt


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk applesauce, eggs and oil together thoroughly.
  2. Stir in coconut flour, protein powder and Himalayan salt and allow to sit for 5 minutes
  3. Heat coconut oil in a large skillet over medium-low heat.
  4. Once hot, drop batter into skillet and fry until bubbles form on one side. Flip, finish cooking and enjoy breakfast.
  5. Top with maple syrup, coconut nectar or with raw honey and cinnamon.

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  1. Rita on

    I thought paleo diet only included foods that could be hunted or gathered – no processed foods like flour, oils or protein powders. Basically only foods that are close to what they originally looked like.

  2. Jamie on

    Hey there! I tried the Bone Broth Breakthrough book version of these pancakes. The proportions are different and I used the Pure Bone Broth Collagen instead of the protein powder thinking it would be roughly the same. It was kind of awful…haha. The texture was way too wet and the taste was reminiscent of a beef stew pancake…haha. So I’m guessing these powders are pretty different in flavor and maybe I should check your website for improved recipe proportions.

  3. Natasha Bosman's on

    Dr Axe. I just made your pumpkin pancakes yesterday for the first time. I was really skeptical at first, as I have to very picky eaters in my household. So when I saw pumpkin, which they both dislike….

    Great was my surprise when my husband and daughter almost finished the whole batch of pancakes all by themselves. My daughter even said it’s the best pancakes she’s ever had! And my husband still doesn’t know that it contained pumpkin!!!

    I will definitely be acquiring your cookbook!

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      Were they too runny, Elisabeth? We have changed the recipe from scoops to cups to measure the bone broth as the scoop size has changed and may have cause trouble with the recipe. I apologize for the inconvenience.

  4. Lisa on

    I tried the recipe as printed. I always do a single test pancake to get the heat at the proper level. Problem was, no bubbles were forming; the batter didn’t rise. I realized it needs baking powder or baking soda. So then I added about one teaspoon each of baking powder and baking soda to the remainder of the batter. That made all the difference. The pancakes were then very good with wild honey. One other tip: if a non stick cooking utensil is being used, the pan really does not need to be greased with coconut oil, as there is plenty in the batter already. Glad to have this recipe.

  5. Evil Joe on

    I like this recipe, and would like to try making it.
    The problem that I have with it, I make bone broth from scratch… With certified grass-fed beef femurs… Is there a conversion with this recipe in liquid form.

  6. Anthony on

    Just made these this morning! Use the chocolate protein powder for flaky brownie-like pancakes. Then top them with fresh blueberries or strawberries.

    If you’ve never cooked with coconut oil, be aware that it heats up rapidly! This mix cooks very fast as well. My best advice is to keep the burner on medium.

    • Anna on

      Followed the recipe to a tee.. never got the usual “pancake bubbles” on one side as the other side got too brown so I just made it into a kind of hash and will use leftovers as a “breadcrumb” type topping for a casserole or something like that. Used a delicious homemade applesauce, perhaps that was denser than jarred applesauce. Dunno, but time to move on to the next recipe; )

  7. Judy on

    O also would like to know g he nutritional comparison between the collagen powder and bone broth powder. Isn’t the collagen powder made from bones and connective tissue of grass fed Argentine cattle??

  8. Rosa on

    I see many good recipes that include coconut oil, any kind of nuts, avocados, but all these foods make me break out with acne in my body but most of all my face, chest and back right the following day. I don’t understand why my body reacts with these foods?..ANY suggestions?

    • Jennifer on

      Acne is your body releasing toxins from body… when I detox I get more then after gone my skin better.. drink lotsa water and look into detoxing!!

      • Yal on

        I’m allergic to eggs, and on a strict no grains, dairy, beans, nuts or seeds, etc. Is there anything else that would work in lieu of eggs or seeds, or gums?

      • Rene Sol on

        Sounds wonderful but I also can’t eat eggs. Is there a substitute that works in this recipe? (love your bone broth protein)

  9. zoe on

    We think our daughter’s intolerant to gluten and dairy abduction has lost weight recently, would thjs product be ok for her? Shes 7


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