91-100 of 363 Results

Symptoms of Thyroid Problems & Remedies That Help

Because the thyroid gland serves as the body’s thermostat — continuously regulating things like temperature, hunger levels and energy expenditure — symptoms of thyroid problems can affect nearly the whole body. Experts estimate there are roughly 20 million Americans suffering from some type of thyroid disorder (mostly hypothyroidism/underactive thyroid and, to a lesser extend, hyperthyroidism).…

9 Natural Antifungal Remedies (Plus a DIY Antifungal Cream)

Anyone who experiences a fungal infection knows just how frustrating it can be. Fungal infections can often cause much discomfort or even embarrassment (think stinky feet), even if they rarely threaten your health in a serious way. As such antifungal medications, such as an antifungal cream, are often used to treat and prevent fungal infections,…

5 Steps to Naturally Treat Low Stomach Acid

Here, I'm going to talk about natural remedies for low stomach acid. The truth is, your stomach must be highly acidic to break down the food you're consuming and for proper absorption. If you have acid reflux symptoms of any type — GERD, heartburn, etc. — or if you have a condition like leaky gut…

Food Allergy Symptoms + 6 Ways to Reduce Them

Food allergies are immune-based diseases that have become a serious health concern in the United States, with an estimated 32 million Americans dealing with food allergy symptoms according to the food allergy research organization FARE. Despite the risk of severe allergic reactions and even death, there is no current cure for food allergies. The condition…

Glycine: The Muscle-Building, Brain-Boosting Amino Acid

While you may not be familiar with the term specifically, you probably already rely on glycine every day to strengthen your body and, frankly, allow it to work properly. What is glycine used for? This amino acid is essential for many different muscle, cognitive and metabolic functions. It helps break down and transport nutrients like glycogen and…

Surprising Foods with Gluten (Be Wary of the “Gluten-Free” Label!)

In a Gallup survey conducted in 2015, 20 percent of Americans said they tried to include gluten-free foods in their diets, and according to Forbes, the number of people following gluten-free diets tripled between 2009 and 2017. However, sometimes it can be difficult to discern foods with gluten from ones without, which can be problematic…

4 Steps to Overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a serious, long-term illness that can impact many body systems. Chronic fatigue prevents sufferers from doing their usual activities and may confine some people to their beds. CFS can result in strained relationships with friends and family, especially when it remain undiagnosed and/or untreated. Guilt, anxiety and anger are all…

Sauerkraut Benefits, Plus How to Make Your Own!

Sauerkraut, a form of fermented cabbage, has been popular throughout Central Europe for hundreds of years. Sauerkraut combines one of the healthiest foods there is (cabbage) with one of the most beneficial and time-honored food preparation methods ever used (fermentation). According to the Institute for Integrative Medicine at the University of Witten in Germany, sauerkraut…

Vitamin A Benefits Eye, Skin & Bone Health

Doubling as both an important fat-soluble vitamin and potent antioxidant, getting enough vitamin A is absolutely crucial to maintaining overall health. Not only does it play a role in keeping your skin healthy and clear, but it's also a key factor in disease prevention, immunity and even bone health. A deficiency in this vital vitamin…

8 Natural Treatments for Arthritis Symptoms

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 58.5 million Americans now suffer from arthritis. That equates to one in four people over 18 having some form of arthritis! Arthritis is characterized by stiff, aching, hard-to-move joints and bones. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which affects about 33 million…