11-20 of 1302 Results

Is Glucomannan a Safe Weight Loss, High-Fiber Supplement?

In recent decades, glucomannan has been introduced to the U.S. and European markets as a food additive and dietary supplement. Glucomannan is a beneficial, soluble and fermentable dietary fiber derived from the root of the konjac plant, which is native to Asia. People in East Asia have used konjac fiber, also known as glucomannan powder,…

Cannellini Beans Benefit the Heart, Skin and Blood Sugar

If you haven’t tried the hearty taste of cannellini beans, it’s time to. Beans such as cannellini are an incredible part of a healthy diet because they provide you with a high protein and fiber content without overloading a meal with calories. A part of the legume family, cannellini beans are most often found dried…

High Fructose Corn Syrup Dangers and Healthy Alternatives

Have you been fooled by advertisements talking about "corn sugar"? Viewer beware — this is just a more angelic but deceptive term for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Manufactured mostly from genetically modified corn, high fructose corn syrup is definitely not natural and definitely not healthy. Chances are all of us have consumed high fructose corn syrup at some…

Chromium Benefits for Blood Sugar, High Cholesterol & More

Chromium, a type of chemical element that's actually a hard and brittle metal, is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts for healthy functioning. What is chromium most well-researched for in regard to promoting health? Blood sugar and diabetes control, heart health, weight management and brain health are all known benefits of…

16 Foods High in Phosphorus: Benefits for Bones, Detoxing & More

As a naturally occurring mineral that is found in large quantities in the environment, we acquire phosphorus primarily from phosphorus-rich foods, but also in small amounts from the water we drink. In the body, about 85 percent of phosphorus is stored in our bones, but it’s also present in muscle tissue and the blood in…

Banana Nutrition: Gut Healer or Blood Sugar Disruptor?

Bananas can be a perplexing food. On the one hand, we know that banana nutrition is high in sugar, and sugar is anything but good for us. On the other hand, we also hear that they are full of important nutrients that can help promote better health. So what’s the verdict on banana nutrition and…

Spelt: the High-Protein, High-Nutrient Flour

It's believed that spelt flour was first used almost 8,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest cultivated crops in human history. Spelt flour, also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat, is a grain or cereal that's closely related to wheat. Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe — from the Bronze Age to medieval times.…

Powerful Phytonutrients Reduce Blood Pressure, Inflammation and Cholesterol

Phytonutrients are nutrients found in plants that develop to protect the plant from damaging environments. Plants are exposed to excess ultraviolet radiation, predator pests, toxins and pollution, resulting in the generation of dangerous free radicals within their cells. These free radicals can then bind and damage proteins, cell membranes and DNA of the plant. Fortunately, phytonutrients…

How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar

If you are one of the millions of people who has prediabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome or any other form of “insulin resistance,” maintaining normal blood sugar levels can be challenging. Over the past several decades, these chronic disorders have swept through the U.S. and many other nations, reaching epidemic proportions and causing serious, but often…