201-210 of 405 Results

Low Purine Diet (aka, the Gout Diet): Foods to Eat vs. Avoid

Painful conditions like gout and kidney stones affect millions of people around the world. Fortunately, both can be well-controlled simply by making a few modifications to your daily routine and following a low-purine diet. Not only can limiting your intake of purines aid in the prevention of these serious conditions, but it can also boost…

1,200 Calorie Diet Meal Plan: Learn the Benefits vs. Risks

When you put aside the fad diets, macronutrients and meal plans, weight loss comes down to one simple rule: Eat fewer calories than you burn. This is the main premise of the 1,200 calorie diet, an eating pattern that is designed to help boost weight loss by restricting your intake to no more than 1,200…

10 Bad Mood Foods, Plus Healthy Swaps to Make

Some things seem specifically designed to put you in a bad mood, like parking tickets or 40-minute wait times when you call customer service. But there is another rotten mood culprit out there: the bad mood foods that you’re eating. Does Poor Nutrition Contribute to Bad Moods? Think about how you feel after inhaling a…

Sesame Oil: Popular In Asian Cuisine and Full of Health Benefits

Sesame oil is a powerful ingredient that dates back thousands of years and is known for its ability to boost the flavor and health benefits of just about any dish. In addition to offering a wealth of antioxidants and heart-healthy fats, this nutritious ingredient has also been shown to support skin health, enhance heart health,…

Skullcap: The Perfect Herb for Flu Season and Beyond

Skullcap may sound like the hat you put on your head during the winter months, but in this case, it's actually a medicinal plant that's long been used for healing purposes, particularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This herb has been used as an alternative medicine to help reduce inflammation, provide relief from spasms, stimulate blood…

What Is the Pegan Diet? Benefits, Downsides & How to Follow It

The pegan diet is one of the newest trends to emerge in the health scene. This vegan diet-paleo diet hybrid eating plan promises quick weight loss, better blood sugar control and decreased inflammation, with tons of pegan diet reviews available online hailing its ease and effectiveness. On the other hand, some claim that the diet…

What Is Biohacking? 8 Ways to Biohack Yourself for Better Health

From earning enough miles for a trip around the world to getting free goods at the grocery store, these days it seems like you can hack nearly anything to get the most bang for your buck. If only we could hack our own bodies, right? Figure out just how they tick so that we can…

Sugary Drinks Raise the Risk of Cancer — Does This Include Fruit Juice?

Surveys show that the consumption of sugary drinks has increased in the last several decades on a global scale, up approximately 40 percent from 1990 to 2016. When health authorities warn against consuming "sugary drinks," they are usually referring to those made with added sugar, such as soda, juices and sweetened teas or energy drinks. However,…

Addison’s Disease: 6 Ways to Manage Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency

Addison’s disease, also called primary or chronic adrenal insufficiency or hypocortisolism, is one type of endocrine disorder that affects about one in 100,000 people. Addison’s disease symptoms are usually prominent and include weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure and digestive issues. It’s believed that Addison’s disease is usually autoimmune in nature and a…

Hyperkalemia: 4 Natural Remedies for High Potassium

Hyperkalemia, or high potassium, is a serious condition associated with a number of adverse effects on health. Although it often presents with little to no symptoms, severe cases can be dangerous and even fatal if left untreated. Fortunately, having regular checkups with your doctor can help catch hyperkalemia early to treat it quickly and prevent…