211-220 of 405 Results

21 Paleo Breakfast Ideas That Aren’t Eggs and Bacon

The Paleo diet plan bases its principles on the eating habits of the Paleolithic era (AKA the Old Stone Age) and promotes foods that could be hunted and gathered during the time period. This means lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Paleo diet recipes limit foods that came about at the age of farming, including dairy…

What Is Glutamate? Roles, Benefits, Foods and Side Effects

Glutamate is the most abundant amino acid available in the human diet and also the most concentrated amino acid in the brain. It's similar to the other 19 amino acids because it's used to make proteins, facilitate metabolic functions and for energy production. But what makes the glutamate amino acid unique is that it's considered…

Top 6 Histidine Benefits & How to Use It (+ Foods, Supplements & More)

Getting a good variety of amino acids in your diet — especially essential amino acids that your body can't make on its own — is crucial for maintaining overall health. That's because deficiency in any essential amino acid can cause side effects like sluggishness, compromised immune function, loss muscle mass, changes in appetite and more. The…

The Plant Paradox Diet: A Review of Why It Works (But Also Its Risks)

Since its debut in 2017, the Plant Paradox diet has received plenty of attention — both good and bad — from dieters and nutrition experts alike. Even celebrities have joined in on the buzz; in fact, Kelly Clarkson attributed her massive weight loss to this controversial diet plan after dropping 37 pounds in a year.…

How to Improve Liver Function (in 5 Steps)

Boosting liver health to remove toxins from the body has been an integral part of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine practices for thousands of years. Referred to as the ultimate multitasking organ, ancient practitioners believed that the liver was one of the primary organs that needed to be treated in sick patients. In ancient Chinese medicine, it’s…

Choosing the Best Probiotic Supplement Among the Different Types

Probiotics have generated quite a bit of buzz in the health and wellness circuits lately. Not only can you now get your daily dose through supplements and fermented foods, but this beneficial form of bacteria is also frequently added to snack bars, cereals, ice creams and even chewing gums. However, not all probiotic supplements are…

Chronic Pain Management: 6 Potential Natural Treatments

Chances are you or someone very close to you struggles with chronic pain, considering that research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in September of 2018 suggests an estimated one in five adults living in the United States (around 50 million people) struggles with some type of chronic pain. While only a limited…

Integrative Lyme Treatment: Mapping the Road to Recovery

Lyme disease is a growing epidemic. And the numbers aren’t steadily creeping up like other diseases on the rise—they appear to be skyrocketing. As of 2019, it’s estimated that there are upwards of 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease diagnosed in the U.S. annually. But just four or five years prior, that number was reported…

Black Pepper Benefits for Fighting Cancer, Liver Problems and More

You may not be aware that an item that is in your kitchen right now might have one of the most impressive lists of health benefits out there. But it’s true: the black pepper sitting innocently in your shaker is an incredibly powerful little spice used for millennia to heal the sick. Can you eat…

Lyme Disease Treatment (Natural vs. Conventional) and Prevention Tips

Lyme disease is a complicated infection that is caused by bacteria that's transmitted from a tick or insect bite. The majority of cases of Lyme are due to a bite from a type of deer tick known as the black-legged tick, which can carry and pass on bacteria known as borrelia burgdorferi. According to the Michigan…