271-280 of 417 Results

Prevent Disease & Fight Aging with Micronutrients

Proteins, fats and carbs garner a good amount of attention among dieters and health-conscious consumers alike. While it’s true that these macronutrients are absolutely vital to the function of your body, there are many other compounds that play a role in your health as well, including micronutrients. In fact, micronutrients work behind the scenes to…

What Is A Biotin Deficiency? Plus How to Prevent

Biotin deficiency is rare in developed countries where most people are able to consume enough calories and a variety of different food groups, yet it's still possible. Some infants are born with biotin deficiency due to having an inherited enzyme deficiency, and adults can also develop deficiency later in life due to illnesses or medication…

10 Proven Probiotic Yogurt Benefits & Nutrition Facts

Yogurt is a commonly consumed dairy product that is enjoyed around the globe for both its creamy flavor and stellar nutrient profile. Adding probiotic strains to the mix to the mix is a quick and convenient way to amp up the health benefits of this tasty ingredient even further, and studies show that probiotic yogurt…

Addison’s Disease: 6 Ways to Manage Chronic Adrenal Insufficiency

Addison’s disease, also called primary or chronic adrenal insufficiency or hypocortisolism, is one type of endocrine disorder that affects about one in 100,000 people. Addison’s disease symptoms are usually prominent and include weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure and digestive issues. It’s believed that Addison’s disease is usually autoimmune in nature and a…

7 Ways to Help Improve Glaucoma Symptoms

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of visual impairment and severe irreversible blindness in the world, along with macular degeneration. In the United States, glaucoma affects more than 3 million Americans, and globally, it's estimated to cause visual impairment for 5.7 million people. The scary thing is that many people, half by some estimates, don't…

Potassium Benefits for Heart, Brain, Muscles and More

With potassium benefits ranging from reduced blood pressure to enhanced bone health, this key mineral is absolutely essential to just about every aspect of health. Not only that, but a deficiency in potassium can cause a slew of serious side effects, including heart problems, bloating, cramps and more. So what does potassium do in your…

4 Ways to Cope with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Naturally

Anxiety disorders are now considered to be the most common and pervasive mental disorders in the United States — and many other parts of the world too. During any given year, it's estimated that one type of anxiety disorder called generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD) affects about 6.8 million American adults, or 3 percent of…

How to Improve Liver Function (in 5 Steps)

Boosting liver health to remove toxins from the body has been an integral part of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine practices for thousands of years. Referred to as the ultimate multitasking organ, ancient practitioners believed that the liver was one of the primary organs that needed to be treated in sick patients. In ancient Chinese medicine, it’s…

Chronic Pain Management: 6 Potential Natural Treatments

Chances are you or someone very close to you struggles with chronic pain, considering that research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in September of 2018 suggests an estimated one in five adults living in the United States (around 50 million people) struggles with some type of chronic pain. While only a limited…

Lyme Disease Treatment (Natural vs. Conventional) and Prevention Tips

Lyme disease is a complicated infection that is caused by bacteria that's transmitted from a tick or insect bite. The majority of cases of Lyme are due to a bite from a type of deer tick known as the black-legged tick, which can carry and pass on bacteria known as borrelia burgdorferi. According to the Michigan…