231-240 of 418 Results

Cook with Cumin Seeds to Help Digestion & Immune System

You are probably familiar with the earthy, nutty and spicy flavor of cumin seeds or ground cumin. After all, humans have been using cumin in culinary dishes since ancient times — but did you know that cumin seeds have also been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, from digestive issues to respiratory conditions? In…

Can You Drink Distilled Water? Side Effects, Uses + How to Make

Today there are lots of different water options available to us — including raw water, alkaline water, bottled water and good old-fashioned tap water straight from your kitchen faucet. Distilled water is the type that's most commonly recommended for people who are very sensitive to contaminants in their water, including infants or those with compromised…

Wakame: Super Seaweed that Fights Diabetes, Breast Cancer, Fat & More

Seaweed has long been a staple of Japan, which is one of the longest-living cultures in the world and home to one of the remarkable blue zones. Is there a connection? You bet — most notably, a Japanese seafood known as wakame is rich in a number of vitamins and minerals that can combat disease…

What Is Acetylcholine? Function, Benefits + Dosage of This Neurotransmitter

If you're familiar with nootropics supplements — supplements that are capable of helping increase alertness, attention, learning and memory — then you may have come across the compound called acetylcholine (or ACh). What is acetylcholine exactly? As one of the most abundant and important neurotransmitters (or chemical messengers) in the body, acetylcholine plays a role…

Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste

Until very recently, toothpastes designed to remineralize (repair) enamel were prescription-only and all contained high levels of sodium fluoride (NaF), a substance that has been shown to be dangerous to your health (and many still contain this chemical). Thankfully, dental researchers are starting to look for more ways to turn minor tooth decay around. Even…

12 Benefits of Basil + Recipe Ideas

As you most likely know, basil is used to add flavor to a variety of recipes, but what may surprise you is the many benefits of basil that make it well-known for its immunity-enhancing properties. The herb itself as well as the essential oil that it's used to produce have been shown help prevent a…

7 Borage Oil Benefits for Skin, Arthritis, Inflammation & More

As a common herbal treatment in traditional medicine practices for hundreds of years, borage oil has numerous uses — ranging from treating skin flare-ups to lowering pain. The most beneficial aspect of using borage oil, either topically on the skin or internally in capsule form, is that it has strong anti-inflammatory effects. Borage seed oil…

Haritaki Benefits: The Ayurvedic Herb that Supports Immune & Gut Health

Haritaki is a fruit used in Ayurvedic medicine for a wide range of traditional remedies, such as treating pain, anxiety, certain infections and indigestion. It's one of three main ingredients found in triphala and is considered in Ayurveda to be a naturally rejuvenating herb, especially well-suited for people with  inflammation and trouble relaxing. It's even been referred to…

Turmeric and Curcumin Benefits: Can This Herb Really Combat Disease?

Turmeric, the main spice in the Indian dish curry, is argued by many to be the most powerful herb on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease. The health benefits of turmeric are incredibly vast and very thoroughly researched. Currently, there are over 12,500 peer-reviewed articles published proving turmeric benefits, especially one of its renowned healing…

Stress Hormones: How Diet Affects Hormonal Balance

Stress is a major issue literally everyone deals with in way or another, and chronic stress is a problem like never before. That's why it's so vital to keep your stress hormones in check. In a podcast episode with Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, FACOG, I talked with the board-certified gynecologist and obstetrician, hormonal health expert,…