21-30 of 388 Results

52 Hydrating Foods to Help Maintain Fluid Levels & Avoid Dehydration

Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining overall health, and while drinking water is the most obvious solution, there are numerous foods that can also help keep you hydrated. Incorporating hydrating foods into your diet not only boosts your water intake, but also provides essential nutrients that support various bodily functions. Adding hydrating foods into your…

Mango Nutrition: Tropical Fruit for Helping With Blood Sugar & Brain Health

Just the taste of mango can create a delightful tropical experience for your taste buds, but did you know that the mighty mango also delivers a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to benefit health? Not only that, but mango is also a great high-fiber food and high-antioxidant food as well. It’s no wonder,…

17 Benefits of Drinking Water for Skin, Digestion, Weight & More

We all know that we should drink "enough water" — but what are the benefits of drinking water exactly? Staying hydrated is important for electrolyte balance, supports digestion, allows our bodies to disperse nutrients, and helps maintain normal functioning of our cardiovascular and immune systems. In fact, just about every organ and system in our…

20 Best Natural Skin Care Ingredients for Your Beauty Routine

Although most people don’t realize it, their favorite skin care products can be significant contributors to their exposure to harmful ingredients, toxins and chemicals. That's “the real price of beauty,” but you can avoid the chemical options for natural skin care ingredients instead. Fact is the majority of store-bought, commercially produced beauty products come packed…

6 Steps for How to Balance Hormones Naturally

Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline and insulin — are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your overall health. That's why a hormonal imbalance can be problematic, so you want to make sure you know how to balance hormones. Conventional treatments for hormonal imbalances typically include synthetic hormone replacement therapies, birth…

What Causes Crepey Skin & How Can You Treat (& Prevent) It?

Have you noticed areas of your skin developing a thin, wrinkled texture, resembling crepe paper? This is likely crepey skin, a common concern that affects many as we age or due to other factors. It typically affects areas exposed to frequent sun, like the face, neck, upper arms, inner thighs and knees. While there's no…

Mustard Greens Nutrition, Health Benefits & Recipes

More pungent in taste than closely related greens like kale, cabbage and collard greens, the bitter quality of mustard greens is a sign of their high phytonutrient content. Why are mustard greens good for you? They're are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and protective antioxidants, including glucosinolates and polyphenols, yet because of their slimming calorie count,…

Pollock: A High-Protein Fish that Can Boost Weight Loss Efforts

With plenty of protein and over 100 percent of the vitamin B12 you need each day, pollock fish is an omega-3 food worth adding to your diet. You may not recognize the name, but at some point in your life, you’ve probably eaten pollock fish. Because of the population size and catching techniques, it's an…

The Leaky Gut Diet and Treatment Plan, Including Top Gut Foods

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that's thought to affect millions of people, many of whom don’t even know it. The good news is following a leaky gut diet can help overcome this condition. From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut syndrome only impacts digestive health, but in reality it can lead…

10 Signs of Aging Poorly & How to Slow Them

The anti-aging market is a booming business, with Americans — and the rest of the world — spending billions of dollars on products to combat the signs of aging every year. While it's common to rush to a cosmetics counter to find the "next big thing" in anti-aging, we should remember that aging affects internal…