71-80 of 380 Results

Top Zinc Benefits to Improve Health & How to Regulate Levels

You may have heard that zinc benefits include the ability to help people recovering from the common cold or other illnesses, but this mineral is also needed by those who aren’t sick and who don’t have compromised immune function. As an essential mineral, zinc should be consumed in small amounts every day in order to…

Figs Nutrition: The Anticancer, Fiber-Rich, Antibacterial Powerhouse

You probably associate figs with the extremely popular fig newton, which if we're being perfectly honest is not the healthiest of options. While you shouldn't make a habit of eating those packaged fig goodies, figs nutrition actually has a surprising amount of health benefits. Of course, when I say figs nutrition, I mean the fruit…

Lower Back Pain Relief: 6 Recommended Remedies

It's estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience persistent symptoms of lower back pain at some point in their lives, and about 31 million Americans struggle with the condition at any given time. That leaves many searching for lower back pain relief. Given its extremely high prevalence rate — whether due to a…

Grapefruit Benefits for Weight Maintenance, Skin Health & More

Whether you love it or hate it, chances are you're plenty familiar with grapefruit, but what do you know about grapefruit benefits, nutrition and history? This citrus fruit can be white, yellow, pink or red in color with a taste ranging from sour to sweet — most often a refreshing mix of the two. Whatever…

What Are Peptides? Peptide Benefits for Skin & More

Peptides have been getting a lot of attention for their skin-improving effects lately, but did you know that peptide benefits also promote tissue repair, improve muscle strength and lower blood pressure levels? Supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen peptides and applying copper peptides topically are popular because of their many health benefits. Whether you're looking to relieve…

Artichoke’s Profound Health Benefits, Plus How to Cook and Eat

Records of eating artichokes date back to Ancient Greece and the Roan Empire. There are texts indicating that these populations consumed the naturally occurring variant of the artichoke, the cardoon — especially for help managing rheumatism and gout — thanks to all artichoke nutrition has to offer. Today, this native plant is still found in the same…

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Benefits and How to Increase Naturally

If you're a sports fan, you've probably heard of human growth hormone — more commonly known as HGH — and associate it with cheating and steroid use. However, did you know that HGH is a natural testosterone booster that's produced on its own and provides many important benefits? It's true. Is human growth hormone good…

Top Vegan Candy Options, Plus Recipes to Make Your Own

If you follow a vegan diet, you're probably already used to checking ingredient labels carefully and skipping any treats that you suspect might not be totally plant-based. Many vegans make a strong effort to eat a nutrient-dense diet overall, but this doesn't mean they never want to indulge in something like dessert or candy occasionally…

9 Cocoa Butter Benefits and Uses for Dry Skin and More

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve probably eaten cocoa butter many times in your life — plus smeared it onto your skin. It’s the fat source used to make chocolate, giving it its alluring, melt-in-your-mouth, silky feel. It can be found in basically all types of chocolate, including dark, milk or white. What else…

10 Proven Benefits of Astragalus Root (#4 Is Vital)

Do you know about astragalus? If not, you should, because astragalus root is one of the most powerful immune-building plants on the planet. This adaptogen herb helps beat stress while fighting disease at the same time. How effective can it be? Turns out, plenty. In addition to pumping up your immune system, studies show it’s vital…