31-40 of 388 Results

Wheat Berries: Top 6 Benefits of Wheat Berry Nutrition

From pizza crusts to pastries, many popular grain-based products start out as wheat berries. From there, these grains are often drained of their nutrients, ground into white flour, heavily processed and sold on the shelves of your local supermarket. While these ultra-processed foods may not be so stellar for your health, they start out full…

Skin Tightening: Natural Ways to Treat & Prevent Sagging & Boost Skin Health

The quest for youthful, firm skin is a timeless one. Skin tightening is a common concern for many people, especially as they age or experience significant weight loss. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, leading to wrinkles, sagging and a loss of that youthful plumpness. The desire for firm, youthful skin is understandable, and…

Best Bone Broth Sources & How to Use Them

Bone broth is a power-packed ingredient that is often touted for its multitude of health benefits. In fact, research suggests that bone broth and its components may help improve skin elasticity, support gut health, reduce joint pain and more. And although traditional bone broth requires hours upon hours of preparation, adding one of the best…

Watermelon Benefits for Immunity, Hydration & More

Watermelon is considered a summertime staple, popping up at pool parties and summer barbecues all season long. While it’s well-known for its ability to keep you cool and hydrated, there are tons of other health perks associated with this popular fruit that are not as well-known. What are the benefits of eating watermelon? As you’ll learn…

Strawberry Nutrition: An Antioxidant Powerhouse that Combats Disease

Strawberries are one of the most loved types of fruit for their sweet taste and versatility in recipes. It turns out, strawberry nutrition is good for you too. What are benefits of eating strawberries? Most of the health benefits associated with strawberry nutrition are due to the presence of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Strawberries contain numerous anti-aging flavonoid antioxidants, including anthocyanin and catechin —…

Broccoli Nutrition Helps Battle Cancer, Osteoporosis & Weight Gain

Is broccoli the healthiest vegetable? It’s certainly near the top of the list thanks to all that broccoli nutrition provides. Ask any nutritionist, medical doctor, neuropath or nutrition researcher for his or her personal list of the most nutrient-dense foods, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are sure to show up on all of them. Broccoli is…

Top 10 Algae Benefits that May Surprise You

Algae are some of the most primitive life forms found on Earth and have been consumed for centuries due to the range of algae benefits for health. Human consumption of the blue-green algae called spirulina (or blue spirulina) actually goes back to the Aztec civilization of the 14th century, and this type, including chlorella, is the…

Top 27 Supplements & Vitamins for Energy

Vitamins and minerals play vital roles in supporting the body's energy production and overall vitality. These essential nutrients are involved in various metabolic processes, helping convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into usable energy. From B vitamins that aid in energy metabolism to minerals that facilitate oxygen transport and cellular function, understanding the role of vitamins…

Myofascial Release Therapy for Back Pain, Posture and More

Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your training and performance or someone trying to reduce pain and achieve better alignment, myofascial release therapy likely can help. This type of manipulative therapy targets hard knots and trigger points in the muscle tissue that can elicit tenderness, pain, stiffness and even twitching. While it's still considered…

Top 15 Joint Supplements (Plus Foods That Support Joint Health)

When it comes to maintaining an active lifestyle and ensuring optimal mobility, joint health plays a pivotal role. Whether you're an athlete pushing your limits or simply aiming for everyday comfort, incorporating joint supplements and a supportive diet can make a significant difference. Our bodies are incredible machines, and joints are the hinges that keep…