381-390 of 392 Results

Age-Defying DIY Blush with Beets & Lavender Oil

Blush, sometimes called rouge, is one of the the most popular makeup products out there. It's used to redden the cheeks and cheekbone area with the intention of providing a more youthful appearance. Blush goes way back in history. Initially, anyone who wore blush was thought to have less than desirable ethical behavior. This is…

Shimmery Holiday DIY Eye Shadow

Eye shadow can be an amazing eye-enhancer, but if you are using an eye shadow loaded with toxic ingredients, that beauty enhancer can wreak havoc on your skin and eyes! Some of the common toxic ingredients included carbon black, ethanolamine compounds, BAK (benzalkonium chloride), prime yellow carnauba wax, formaldehyde, parabens, aluminum powder, retinyl acetate or…

The Lupus Diet: Benefits, Meal Plan & Recipe Ideas

A large body of research shows that a healthy, unprocessed diet is very important for managing autoimmune disorder symptoms, including those caused by lupus, because it helps control inflammation stemming from poor gut health. The majority of your immune system is actually located in inside your gastrointestinal tract, which is also known as the microbiome,…

6 Major PRP Treatment Benefits, Including for Pain, Injury & Arthritis

Have you heard about platelet-rich plasma yet? If you deal with pain, arthritis or injuries, then you're going to want to read up about this revolutionary procedure. Commonly referred to as PRP, it's used in prolotherapy treatments for wound and soft tissue healing. PRP treatments work by supplying injured areas with natural proteins, cytokines, stem…

DIY Blackhead Removal Mask with Turmeric, Peppermint & Frankincense

Everyone wants to get rid of blackheads. Not only are they unsightly, but they could be an indication of a food allergy or some other problem like leaky gut. What are blackheads exactly? The American Academy of Dermatology tells us that oil that collects on the surface of the skin combined with dead skin cells and…

Prolotherapy: the Answer to Healing the Injuries that Won’t Go Away?

Prolotherapy is a cutting-edge form of regenerative medicine that is leading the way in helping to treat both acute and chronic injuries, as well as difficult-to-resolve joint pain. Studies suggest that you can benefit from prolotherapy if you have TMJ (temporomandibular dysfunction of the jaw), arthritis, a torn ligament, tendonitis, a bulging disc, or pain…

Celiac Disease Diet: Foods, Tips & Products to Avoid

Estimates show that rates of celiac disease diagnoses have risen by nearly 400 percent since the 1960s, and many health authorities speculate that there still may be a significant percentage of people living with undiagnosed celiac disease or similar problems.(1) In the U.S. and most other industrialized nations, slightly less than 1 percent of all adults have…

6 Natural Tennis Elbow Remedies for ‘Pain-Free’ Status

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects athletes most often, especially those that use their arms frequently and in repetitive ways, like tennis players and golfers. Tennis elbow (the common name for the condition known as lateral epicondylitis) is caused by inflammation around the elbow, which causes stiffness, swelling, joint pain and trouble moving…

TMJ Symptoms, Causes, Natural Remedies & What to Do About Them

Did you know that about 6 percent to 12 percent of the adult population in the U.S. (roughly 10 million people) experiences some sort of TMJ symptoms regularly? (1) Furthermore, it’s estimated that 17.8 million workdays are lost each year due to disabling TMJ pains and lost sleep. TMJ stands for the “temporomandibular joint.” Also…

How to Heal a Bone Bruise Naturally

A bruise is a bruise is a bruise … unless it's a bone bruise. Typically, a bruise occurs when blood vessels are damaged below the surface of the skin and collect toward the surface as a visible black and blue mark. (1) A bone bruise happens when some of the fibrous tissues inside the bone,…