121-130 of 381 Results

Tahini Benefits for Immunity, Heart Health & More

Have you ever checked out the ingredients of your favorite hummus and noticed tahini among those listed? That’s a good thing, because tahini sauce is made from ground sesame seeds, which we know are nutritious in their own right. In fact, research shows that sesame seeds and, thus, tahini have similar immune-boosting, cardiovascular-protective abilities as superfoods like olive…

Knee Pain Relief: 6 Natural Treatments, Including Exercises

Next to back pain, knee pain is one of the most common complaints among both older adults and younger athletes. Knee injuries are one common cause of knee pain, but you don't have to fall, trip or get into some type of accident to hurt your knees. What can cause knee pain without injury? Arthritis,…

Witch Hazel Uses for Skin, Hair & More

Today, we have hundreds of different beauty products available to us — acne washes, toners, scrubs, etc. — but what did people use thousands of years ago before commercial chemicals existed to help heal their skin? When it comes to natural skin care, one time-honored medicinal plant is witch hazel, which Native Americans relied on for…

7 Multivitamin Benefits, Plus the Best Multivitamins for Men & Women

As the world's most popular dietary supplement, you can easily find an extensive range of multivitamin supplements to fit any age, gender and lifestyle on the shelves of grocery stores, pharmacies and health shops alike. Multivitamins have become household staples in many parts of the world, and surveys have even found that more than one-third…

Aloe Vera Juice: the Gut-Friendly, Detoxifying Drink

The aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties and to improve skin and hair health. Each leaf of the plant has three layers: the inner clear gel, middle layer of latex and outer rind. Aloe vera juice comes from all three layers of the leaf, which are crushed, ground and…

7 Incredible Pomegranate Seeds Benefits, Plus How to Open

Pomegranate seeds, which are the edible insides of the pomegranate, are little ruby red bursts of sweet and tart deliciousness that pack a serious punch of health benefits. Brimming with beneficial antioxidants and polyphenols, studies show that pomegranate seeds could help reduce inflammation, slow cancer cell growth, fight infections and boost brain function. Plus, they're…

Chondroitin Benefits for Osteoarthritis & Joint Pain

Chondroitin is one of the most sought after joint supplements available on the market today, due to how it helps rebuild cartilage naturally and boosts recovery of tissue after injury or exercise. As an important structural component of cartilage and one of the key substances that allows joints to withstand pressure, chondroitin is taken by many…

8 Natural Treatments for Arthritis Symptoms

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 58.5 million Americans now suffer from arthritis. That equates to one in four people over 18 having some form of arthritis! Arthritis is characterized by stiff, aching, hard-to-move joints and bones. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which affects about 33 million…

20 Healthy Drinks You Should Add to Your Diet

We all know sugary and fizzy drinks can wreak havoc on our health, and they are found everywhere. From TV commercials promoting diet soda to the enticing menu presented to us at our favorite restaurant, artificially sweetened drinks lie everywhere. The good news is there are healthy drinks out there, even if healthy beverage options…