21-30 of 613 Results

52 Hydrating Foods to Help Maintain Fluid Levels & Avoid Dehydration

Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining overall health, and while drinking water is the most obvious solution, there are numerous foods that can also help keep you hydrated. Incorporating hydrating foods into your diet not only boosts your water intake, but also provides essential nutrients that support various bodily functions. Adding hydrating foods into your…

Benefits of Cherries: What Can Cherry Nutrition Do for You?

Cherries are popular because of their sweet and juicy characteristics, and more and more research suggests that they are extremely beneficial to your health too. What are the benefits of cherries, and what makes cherry nutrition so beneficial? The nutrients and bioactive components in cherries support their preventive health benefits. A 2018 review of the health…

Mango Nutrition: Tropical Fruit for Helping With Blood Sugar & Brain Health

Just the taste of mango can create a delightful tropical experience for your taste buds, but did you know that the mighty mango also delivers a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to benefit health? Not only that, but mango is also a great high-fiber food and high-antioxidant food as well. It’s no wonder,…

20 Best Natural Skin Care Ingredients for Your Beauty Routine

Although most people don’t realize it, their favorite skin care products can be significant contributors to their exposure to harmful ingredients, toxins and chemicals. That's “the real price of beauty,” but you can avoid the chemical options for natural skin care ingredients instead. Fact is the majority of store-bought, commercially produced beauty products come packed…

100 Healthy Snacks: Best Healthy Snack Ideas for on the Go

Pop quiz: When are you most vulnerable to making unhealthy choices? A. When you have delicious, good-for-you treats nearby? Or B. When you’re hungry and desperate to eat something — anything? If you picked the latter, you’re not alone. It’s easy to eat healthily when nutritious foods are at your fingertips, but when your only…

Natural Eczema Treatment: 13 Home Remedies (Plus Symptoms & Causes)

Is your skin red, dry, scaly and extremely itchy? These are common eczema symptoms, a skin condition believed to affect more than 31 million Americans, leaving many to search for the best eczema treatment options. What is eczema? It actually isn’t a single condition — it's a group of skin conditions that includes: atopic dermatitis…

Top 22+ Cooling Foods & Herbs (Plus Benefits)

If you were to ask a practitioner of traditional medicine, "How can I reduce my body heat?" they're likely to recommend adding more cooling foods and herbs to your diet in order to bring things into balance. What are cooling foods, and how do they work? A variety of fruits, veggies, herbs and other foods…

Ceylon Tea: A High-Antioxidant Tea that Combats Disease

Tea is considered the most widely consumed beverage next to water and is consumed by two-thirds of the world's population. Ceylon tea is one of the most common types of tea, and millions of pounds are exported around the globe each year. It also forms the base of many beloved tea blends, and ceylon packs…

5 Gross Grilling Mistakes Damaging Your Health

There's nothing like getting family and friends together for a weekend of grilling in warm weather. However, before you get those healthy grilling recipes cooking, watch out for grilling mistakes. Grilling mistakes pose some specific health risks, including exposure to high levels of cancer-causing compounds like heterocyclic amines (HCAs). HCAs are formed in meat muscle…

20 Cold Soup Recipes for Summer (& Beyond)

Soups are generally thought of as cold-weather dishes, and cold soup is usually considered in need of a heat-up. It's true that there's something comforting about a hot bowl of steamy soup, but it's a shame to relegate an entire delicious food group to just one season. Luckily, you don't have to. There's a wide…