321-330 of 380 Results

Top 10 Natural Treatments for Thinning Hair

Men and women of all ages yearn for thicker, fuller hair, especially when thinning hair becomes a visibly noticeable problem. Thankfully, there are natural treatments for thinning hair like balancing hormones, reducing stress, eating a proper diet and more. The average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs and loses around 50 to 100 hairs each…

Pinched Nerve Symptoms, Locations & Treatments

A pinched nerve is a common source of pain among the elderly, people who perform a lot of repetitive movements, those with arthritis and anyone struggling with obesity. Although they sometimes heal on their own, pinched nerves can cause significant disability and sometimes even permanent nerve damage when left untreated. Determining how many people actually have…

6 Natural Treatments for Achilles Tendon Pain

Achilles tendon pain, also called Achilles tendonitis or tendonosis, is the result of stiffness, swelling and tearing of connective tissue located around the heel and the sides of the ankle. The first sign of Achilles tendonitis is tenderness or throbbing when moving or lifting the heel, especially pain near the sides of the tendon (around…

Natural Treatment for Runner’s Knee (Hint, Surgery Is Almost Always Unnecessary)

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, commonly just called "runner's knee," has been found to be one of the leading exercise-related injuries in adults — even more common than other running injuries like iliotibial band friction syndrome, plantar fasciitis, meniscal injuries of the knee and tibial stress syndrome. Although for some adults knee pains only start when they first…

Natural Remedies for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Is Hashimoto a serious disease? Yes, it is quite serious because when left unaddressed, Hashimoto's disease typically continues to progress and can cause chronic thyroid damage. This results in a decrease in crucial thyroid hormones, which can set off a cascade of other major issues including mental health and heart problems. (1) Can Hashimoto's disease…

5 Stem Cell Therapy Benefits — for Joint Pain, Heart Disease & Even Alzheimer’s

Clinical research regarding stem cell therapy benefits has grown dramatically in recent decades. The most promising thing about stem cell therapy — and similar prolotherapy treatments including PRP — is that they offer relief for patients with chronic pain and difficult-to-heal injuries, all without medications or risky reconstructive surgeries. Today researchers are also uncovering ways…

Top 6 Supplements to Help You Remineralize Your Teeth

When it comes to our health, we are getting much better at taking a more holistic approach. Many of us have overhauled our diets and implemented other lifestyle changes that have reduced the need to see a doctor regarding chronic health conditions, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, adrenal fatigue and many others. While this…

How I Reversed PCOS Naturally (No Medications!) 

I remember it like it was yesterday — I was 16 years old and my mother was taking me to the gynecologist because of my heavy, irregular periods and face full of hormonal acne. After she examined me and asked a few questions, I was given a prescription for birth control pills without a second…

Is It Safe to Eat Deer Meat? Top 6 Venison Benefits

Venison is one of the more underappreciated types of game meat on the market. Unless you've grown up around hunting or have ventured out of your comfort zone when ordering at a fancy restaurant, there's a good chance you may not have even tried deer meat before. That being said, there are plenty of reasons…

Reye’s Syndrome Dangers (+ 6 Natural Aspirin Alternatives)

Reye's syndrome is an incredibly rare and serious illness that affects the brain, liver and other organs in the body. It most often occurs in children while they are recovering from common childhood viral infections such as chickenpox, influenza, mumps or the measles. (1, 2) While it is most common in children between the ages…