281-290 of 380 Results

Exogenous Ketones: How They Help During Dieting or Exercising

Researchers believe that humans, and many other animal species, too, developed the capacity to produce ketones (or ketone bodies) in order to prolong survival during periods of caloric deprivation. (1) Ketones are beneficial for our muscles, brains and other tissues during times of stress — such as when we're intentionally restricting calories because we're fasting,…

How to Get Rid of Bruises: 10 Natural Remedies

Whether you have a bruised face, bruised arm or bruised knee, most people just find bruises to be unsightly and unpleasant. Most of the time, they're nothing serious, yet knowing how get rid of bruises faster is a popular topic. Bruises are caused by an injury or blow to a specific body part that breaks…

8 Top Supplements for Athletes — for Energy, Strength & More

Whether you're a competitive athlete or a weekend warrior, getting results from your workouts comes down to way more than just the work you put in at the gym. In fact, combining a nutritious diet with a few top supplements for athletes can help give you a serious edge over your competitors while upgrading your…

Benefits of Meal Replacement Shakes + Best Options

In a perfect world, we would all have enough time each day to prepare homemade healthy meals, in addition to sitting down to eat them mindfully. But given how busy most people are today, it’s not surprising that meal replacement shakes, bars and snacks have exponentially grown in popularity over the past several decades. Time…

Flaxseed Oil Benefits Digestion, Skin & Heart Health

If you're looking to increase your omega-3 intake, flaxseed oil (aka flax oil) and fish oil (or oil omega-3) are two tremendous options. But which one is better for you? If you're a vegetarian or vegan, then the choice is clear — flaxseed automatically wins — but if you don't need to avoid animal products, it can…

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: 5 CRPS Natural Remedies

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a condition that affects many people, but is currently not well understood in the medical world. Those living with the condition can feel as though there's very little support for them, and that they have to live with their pain on their own. There are options for people with…

Umeboshi Plums: Liver Cleanser & Cancer Fighter

Sour, salty and chockfull of health benefits, umeboshi plums have been a staple in Japanese cuisine for centuries. Also known as the “sour plum,” “Japanese apricot” and “Japanese plum,” the umeboshi plum is made from dried and pickled ume fruit, a type of fruit closely related to the apricot. Umeboshi are round and wrinkled with…

Pollock Fish Protects the Heart, Body & Mind

With ¾ of the daily recommended value of protein and over 100 percent of the vitamin B12 you need each day, pollock fish is an omega-3 food you should have more of in your life. You may not recognize the name, but at some point in your life, you’ve probably eaten pollock fish. Because of the…