31-40 of 62 Results

DIY Face Moisturizer with Shea Butter & Essential Oils

Moisturizing your face on a daily basis is crucial to having youthful skin. Your skin goes through a lot given its exposure to environmental toxins, as well as chemicals that may be in your food and skin care products. By moisturizing your face with a natural face moisturizer, you will help provide much needed nourishment,…

101 Bone Broth Recipes — Soups, Smoothies, Baked Treats + More

Quite often, it's the simplest foods that can have the biggest impact on our health. I've certainly found that's the case with benefit-rich bone broth, which is why I love trying different bone broth recipes. This nutritious liquid is one of my favorite ancient remedies and contains incredible stuff that can benefit just about anyone,…

Coconut Oil for Skin: 23 Uses

Coconut oil can be thought of as the do-everything oil with next-to-zero downside. Use it in your food, on your hair, skin, nails — you name it! It's no wonder that many beauty care products on the market today are made with coconut oil. But guess what? Coconut oil for skin can be done easily…

Bible Oils: 12 Most Revered Oils and Their Historic Uses

Essential oils have been an integral part of the daily lives of people for thousands of years. At least 33 specific essential oils and aromatic oil-producing plants are mentioned in the Bible, and the word "incense" is mentioned 68 times in Scripture. Psalm 45:7-8, Proverbs 27:9, Isaiah 61:3 and Hebrews 1:9 all reference oils in…

Rose Essential Oil Benefits Skin, Depression and Hormones

The smell of a rose is one of those experiences that can ignite fond memories of young love and backyard gardens. But did you know that roses are more than a pretty smell? These beautiful flowers also hold incredible health boosting benefits! Rose essential oil has been used to treat health conditions and used in natural…

11 Essential Oils for Cellulite: Benefits & Uses

What is cellulite? Cellulite is a word used to describe dimpled or lumpy flesh that can be present on the thighs, hips, buttocks, or abdomen. Adolescent and adult women are most commonly the groups that struggle with this skin concern often described as having an orange peel or cottage cheese-like texture. Many people feel embarrassed…

Heart Murmur + 7 Natural Ways to Boost Heart Health

The thought of having a heart murmur may seem scary and confusing. You may be wondering what this means and what's causing it. Is a heart murmur dangerous? Unfortunately, there's no one answer to this question. Some heart murmurs are completely innocent, while others indicate that there's a bigger issue that needs to be addressed.…

Common Side Effects of Antidepressants (Plus, Natural Remedies for Depression)

These days, it’s not strange to hear about a friend or loved one starting an antidepressant. But are side effects of antidepressants worth it? Everyone’s heard of these medications — though no one is quite sure why, how or if they work effectively, antidepressants are one of the most prevalent medications in the modern world.…

Worse Than Gingivitis: Periodontitis Causes & Symptoms (+ 5 Natural Remedies)

Periodontitis is an infection or inflammation (swelling) of the bones and ligaments that support your teeth. It happens with gum swelling or infection, also known as gingivitis, goes untreated. The problem spreads from the gums into the support structures of your teeth. It can cause your teeth to loosen and even fall out. The condition…