721-730 of 1044 Results

Cold Shower Benefits for Body and Mind Alike

It may sound unpleasant, but a cold shower can actually be good for you. In fact, cold shower benefits both the body and the mind, as crazy as that may sound to some people. For most of human history, people were exposed to very cold temperatures, whether they wanted to be or not. Extreme cold…

Can Antibiotics Wreak Havoc on Athletic Performance?

"Antibiotics Wreak Havoc on Athletic Performance," read the headline of a recent study. The study looked at the microbes of mice, but if it winds up being true for humans, too, we can chalk it up to yet another unintended side effect of antibiotics. To be clear, since mass production began in the 1940s, antibiotics…

Summer Sautéed Veggies Recipe

Thinking of new ways to get your family to eat veggies can become tiring, and don't get me started on bland, overcooked vegetables — they give the good ones a bad rep. You won't have that problem with these summer sautéed veggies. This simple recipe is a delicious way to showcase the season's fresh produce…

Best Natural Skin Care Ingredients for Your Beauty Routine

Although most people don’t realize it, their favorite skin care products can be significant contributors to their expose to harmful ingredients, toxins and chemicals. That's “the real price of beauty,” but you can avoid the chemical options for natural skin care ingredients instead. Fact is the majority of store-bought, commercially produced beauty products come packed…

Magnesium Citrate Benefits (Including for Constipation)

Magnesium is the fourth most-abundant mineral in the body, and it's mostly stored inside our bones. Because our bodies can't make magnesium, we must get this mineral from our diets or supplements. Magnesium supplements are available in a variety of forms, one of which is magnesium citrate. What is magnesium citrate good for? The No. 1…

Baked Asparagus Recipe, with Portobello Mushroom

It can be difficult for me to understand when someone says that they don't like vegetables. But then I hear about the overcooked, mushy asparagus they associate with vegetable time, and I can understand their distaste. To remedy this, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. First, pick up some fresh asparagus at your…

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet: Does It Work for Weight Loss?

The apple cider vinegar diet — an eating plan that involves simply adding a few spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar to your daily diet  — may sound right on par with other fad diets that have long faded into obscurity. However, it's actually a powerful ingredient that has been revered for its medicinal properties for…

Prune Juice Provides Constipation Relief & Much More

Prune juice: It’s not just for granny anymore! This thick fruit juice can treat digestive problems, protect your heart and liver and even strengthen your bones. That's because prunes are simply dried plums, which means prune juice contains amazing plum benefits and more. When you look at the staggering number of vitamins and minerals in…

Almond Oil Benefits for Dry Skin, Eczema, Stretch Marks & More

Your skin needs it. Your heart needs it. Even your colon needs it! Almond oil takes the mighty, nutrition-rich almonds and transforms it into a powerful oil with incredible benefits. Though there are two main kinds of almonds that create almond oil, the one used for most homeopathic and cosmetic purposes is sweet almond oil. Don’t…

Foodborne Illness Symptoms, Causes + How to Treat and Prevent One

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness every year. Bacteria such as E.coli, salmonella and campylobacter are responsible for many public foodborne outbreaks. These pathogens can cause a range of symptoms once they enter someone's body, including diarrhea and vomiting. What…