971-980 of 1110 Results

Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms & 6 Natural Treatments

If you've ever dealt with bacterial vaginosis symptoms in the past, you're far from alone. Research shows that about one in every five women will experience this type of infection by the time she reaches her mid-40. According to a study called the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), an estimated 21.2 million women…

How to Remove Skin Tags Safely (10 Natural Ways)

Soft, fleshy growths that hang from the skin are commonly referred to as skin tags. Acrochordons — as they are referred to within the medical community — are not cancerous. They are generally considered a cosmetic concern, not a medical issue. They rarely cause pain or discomfort. But many people find them unsightly and want…

The Best Vitamins for Men

In an ideal world, we would all eat very low-processed, organic and nutrient-dense diets filled with all sorts of foods that provide us with the vitamins we need. But this isn’t always possible or realistic for many men, leaving a lot of room for common nutrient deficiencies and health problems as a consequence. Many people…

Recognize Ovarian Cancer Symptoms (+ 3 Natural Ways to Help Ease Treatment)

Roughly 1 in 75 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer at some point during their lifetimes. According to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, in women between the ages of 35–74, ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. (1) Considering how serious ovarian cancer tends to be in its later stages, both preventive…

11 Largest Nutrition Lies in the Media

You can't believe everything you hear. That truth is particularly true when it comes to nutrition lies. Each week, it seems as if a new fad or health solution is reported. These reports typically include information on a food now considered "unhealthy" or a better, faster way to lose weight. Many of the claims are…

Keystone Virus: First Ever Case Detected in Humans

You're probably familiar with mosquito-borne ailments like Zika virus and West Nile, but there's another not so well-known virus that also poses a threat to your health. The Keystone virus was first discovered in animals and was only recently found to infect a 16-year-old boy living in Florida. But scientists believe that this virus may…

How to Add 12 Years (or More) to Your Life

Every few years, it seems like we get conflicting health and diet information, or well-meaning advice turns out to be wrong. Eat low- or no-fat foods! Choose margarine and vegetable oils over butter! For example, these days we know that healthy fats are necessary and vegetable oils and butter substitutes are inflammatory, and grass-fed butter is…

Tinea Capitis (+ 6 Natural Tips to Help Treat Scalp Ringworm)

While ringworm can show up anywhere on your body, tinea capitis is specifically ringworm of the scalp. Also known as tinea tonsurans, herpes tonsurans, scalp ringworm and hair ringworm, this problem can be both painful and embarrassing. Thankfully, there are natural ways to both prevent and treat this highly contagious skin condition. What Is Tinea…

Chigger Bites: 5 Natural Home Remedies for Symptoms

What are chiggers and what do they look like? The truth is, you might not see the chiggers — they measure just 1/150th of an inch, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye — but you'll definitely see their itchy, skin-irritating results after you’ve spent some time outside. What Is a Chigger? Also known…

Omega-9 Benefits the Heart, Brain & Your Mood

It’s no wonder that there's much confusion about what oils, fish and nuts are considered healthy fats and which ones are not. Most have heard of omega-3 fatty acids and maybe even omega-6 fatty acids, but what do you know about omega-9 fatty acids and the omega-9 benefits available in this type of fat? Omega-9…