991-1000 of 1111 Results

What’s Not to Love? Lovage Helps UTIs + 4 More Lovage Benefits

You may not have heard of lovage. It's a lesser-known plant, but it actually has many culinary as well as medicinal uses. What is the flavor of lovage? It's often described as being similar to celery. What is the herb lovage used for? In the kitchen, it's a memorable addition to all kinds of dishes…

Myopia: What Causes Nearsightedness? (+ Foods, Vitamins & Tips for Eye Health)

Do you have blurry vision when looking at far away distances, but see more clearly when looking at things up close? This is a sign that you might have myopia, or "nearsightedness." The number of people dealing with myopia has increased considerably in recent years. According to studies conducted by the National Eye Institute (NEI),…

Bradycardia Causes + 9 Natural Ways to Improve Slow Heart Rate

If your heart beats less than 60 times each minute, you have bradycardia. This condition can also be referred to as sinus bradycardia. At rest, an adult heart typically beats between 60 and 100 times a minute; anything lower may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. It can be a serious condition if…

Skin Cancer Symptoms + Natural Therapies & Prevention

Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime? Each year more than 5 million cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer are treated and there are more new cases of skin cancer than cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon combined. In fact, over the course of the past…

Top 14 Herbs of the Bible that Heal & Nourish

People have been using herbs for thousands of years for their culinary and medicinal benefits. I want to tell you about some of the most popular herbs of the Bible and what they were traditionally used for as well as how they are still used to this day. As the Bible states in Psalms 104:14,…

Antibiotic Side Effects: 8 Insane Things They Do to Your Body

Antibiotic side effects should be on everyone's radar, given the scope of antibiotic use in the United States. As of April 2018, antibiotics ranked as the No. 1 most commonly prescribed drug class with sales hitting $40 billion globally. (1) Between 2000 and 2015, human use of antibiotics rose by nearly 40 percent. And some…

How Lyme Disease Affects the Brain (And Mimics Other Diseases)

Did you ever wonder how Lyme disease affects the brain, including symptoms of brain fog? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 200,000 people are diagnosed every year with Lyme disease. But many believe the true number of people suffering from Lyme in the United States is actually much higher. That's because…