1011-1020 of 1111 Results

Is Star Anise Good for You? 6 Benefits of This Sweet Spice

From its unmistakable aroma to its unique star-shaped appearance, star anise is truly a one-of-a-kind spice. Plus, not only is it super versatile and chock-full of flavor, but it also contains a number of compounds that can help kick up your health. Not to be confused with anise seed benefits, star anise benefits include killing…

Anise Seed Benefits Blood Sugar & May Protect Against Ulcers

Ranked as one of the top herbs and spices for healing, anise seed is a nutritional powerhouse when it comes to your health. Plus, besides being associated with an extensive list of anise seed benefits ranging from reduced blood sugar to decreased menopause symptoms, it also boasts a unique flavor that's ideal for kicking up…

Roseola: How to Soothe ‘Sixth Disease’ Symptoms

Roseola is a viral illness that most commonly affects children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years old. It is extremely common, and most children will have been infected by the time they enter kindergarten. Some children will experience very mild symptoms, while others will host a wide range of symptoms, including a…

Ptosis Causes + 8 Natural Treatments for Drooping Eyelids

As we age, wrinkles and droopy eyelids are to be expected. But, if an eyelid droops so much that it covers the pupil and blocks the vision, it can cause significant disruption in our lives. When eyelids fall to a lower position than normal, the condition is called ptosis, or blepharoptosis. While typically a result…

Peritonitis Causes & Symptoms + How to Get Your Health Back

Peritonitis is a serious infection or inflammatory response that can either be confined to the peritoneum (abdomen) or widespread. What can cause peritonitis? A number of things can trigger peritonitis. Peritonitis is usually caused by infection from bacteria or fungi that enter through a leakage or a hole in the digestive system, such as the intestines…

DIY Setting Powder

If you wear makeup, you may want to consider using a setting powder. A setting powder gives your makeup a smooth finish by helping to lock foundation into place while reducing cracks that can come across as wrinkles. However, you need to make sure you are using your setting powder in the right way and…

7 Budwig Diet Benefits for Cancer Prevention + More

One of the most common questions I have been asked over the years is “what is the best diet for cancer?” And while I don’t claim to be a cancer curer, I do believe there is sufficient evidence that there are certain healing foods, herbs and treatments that can help to fight and prevent cancer.…

Top 9 Nuts and Their Health Benefits

More and more health benefits have emerged recently linking nut consumption to a decreased risk of chronic disease. A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, for example, showed that a higher intake of some of the healthiest nuts was associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease. (1) Other…

Psoriatic Arthritis + 7 Natural Ways to Relieve Symptoms

Psoriatic arthritis is one of the major complications that's associated with psoriasis, a relapsing inflammatory skin disease. An estimated 30 percent of people with psoriasis symptoms will go on to develop psoriatic arthritis, another type of inflammatory disease that's caused by both genetic and environmental factors. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, delaying treatment for…

What Is Amylose? Top 9 Benefits + Side Effects of This Resistant Starch

Starchy foods often have a bad reputation, but are you aware that there are different kinds of starch in food? One in particular, amylose, can actually help your body to maintain a healthy gut and possibly even address the root biological causes of psychological problems. Amylose is a resistant starch found in a large variety…