Homemade Roasted Beet Hummus Recipe - Dr. Axe

Healthy, Homemade Roasted Beet Hummus Recipe

Beet hummus - Dr. Axe

There are so many variations of hummus out there nowadays, including my roasted beet hummus recipe, but it wasn’t always that way.

Even just a few years ago, people were asking, “What is hummus?” It was still considered an exotic dip or something that you’d eat at a Middle Eastern restaurant but probably couldn’t get your hands on in the store.

My, how things change. Hummus is one of the most popular dips out there now, with tons of brands and flavors available.

Like with most foods, though, I prefer making my own hummus recipe. While I always enjoy a good classic recipe, sometimes you need to mix things up a bit in the kitchen!

Enter beet hummus.

Beet hummus ingredients

Key Ingredients

Hummus has its roots in Middle Eastern cultures, where it’s served at nearly every meal. It’s usually made from chickpeas and tahini, making it a veggie-friendly dip that’s perfect for spreading on bread, eating with veggies or just enjoy on its own.

The beauty of hummus is because it’s such a basic recipe, it’s simple to jazz things up according to your family’s tastes.

Extra garlic? Sure.

Spicy harissa? Yum!

Beet hummus, however, is not one you often see in supermarket refrigerators, so I’m extra excited to bring you this homemade hummus recipe.

What is beet hummus made of, and is beet hummus good for you?

Beets are a terrific source of vitamins and minerals. They’re especially high in disease-fighting antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.

They lend a gorgeous hue to this hummus, too, but more importantly, eating a wide range of fruits and veggies exposes you to a ton of healthy nutrients. If you constantly eat the same vegetables, you miss out on what other, oft-overlooked foods (like beets!), have to offer.

I love this beet hummus recipe because it’s an easy way to add this vegetable into my diet. (For this important vegetable that unfortunately has been genetically modified, make sure you get organic beets.)

Because it’s still made with protein-rich chickpeas, too, you have a vegan beet dip that’s easy to make and delicious to eat.

How to Make Beet Hummus

Let’s make this hummus dip!

Beet hummus step 1

Start by preheating the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the sliced beets on a baking tray that’s been lined with parchment paper.

Roast the beets for half hour or until they’re fork tender. This will make them easier to whip into hummus, while also adding a ton of flavor.

Beet hummus step 2

Next, add the rest of the ingredients to the food processor, and blend on high.

One of the benefits of hummus is that it’s full of protein because of the chickpeas. It’s also loaded with fiber to keep you feeling satiated.

Tahini, or grounded sesame seeds, is also heart-healthy and loaded with “good” fats.

The lemon adds a nice, fresh zing.

Beet hummus step 5

Once the beet hummus has been blended, season it with sea salt and pepper to taste.

Beet hummus step 6

I love how colorful this beet hummus is! Top it off with sesame seeds, and serve with freshly chopped veggies.

This roasted beet hummus recipe makes an excellent appetizer or snack. Enjoy!

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Beet hummus - Dr. Axe

Healthy, Homemade Roasted Beet Hummus Recipe

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  • Author: Dr. Josh Axe
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 7 1x
  • Diet: Gluten Free


Hummus is one of the most popular dips out there. If you’re looking to make your own healthy version with a twist, try my beet hummus recipe.


  • 2 large beets, washed and sliced
  • one 15-ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 2.5 tablespoons tahini
  • 2 cloves garlic, smashed
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • sea salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.
  2. Place the beets on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. Roast for 30 minutes or until fork tender.
  4. Add all ingredients to a food processor, and blend on high until well-combined.
  5. Serve with freshly chopped veggies.
  • Prep Time: 10 min
  • Cook Time: 30 min
  • Category: Dips
  • Method: Oven/Blender
  • Cuisine: Middle Eastern


  • Serving Size: 97g
  • Calories: 129
  • Sugar: 4.2g
  • Sodium: 153mg
  • Fat: 4.4g
  • Saturated Fat: 0.5g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 3.9g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 18g
  • Fiber: 5g
  • Protein: 5.6g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

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  1. Marlee on

    I used 2 large cloves of garlic and it was too overpowering. I even used another lemon and added some olive oil. Next time I would use a different recipe or roast the garlic instead. I love garlic but the raw garlic was too much.

  2. Hannah S. on

    Twyla V.
    Look for other vegetables that whip nice after gently cooked, such as sweet potatoes, organic peas, butternut squash, and be sure to add adequate olive oil oil in your blend with the beets…if you must avoid legumes. Also could try raw kale instead of the beets, or raw avacado and cucumber or raw zuchini… make small batches till you get the right recipe for you! Take notes as you mix each batch, so you get the right proportions noted… for me that is vital lest they scramble in my mind from experiment to experiment! :-) Have fun!

  3. Twylah V. on

    What could I use instead of chick pea as with auto immune Hashimoto’s we should not consume legumes. I have been wanting to ask this question for a long time and will be very greatful for a response.
    Can you help me please and thank you in advance
    Twylah V.

  4. Leonard Garcia on

    Hummus it to the Middle East menu as Refried beans are to Mexican cuisine. Ever tried a hummus chalupa with tabouli topped with a little vinaigrette – delicious.
    I like to experiment and came up with:
    In food processor add 1 can drained can of chickpeas, 2 tablespoons of garlic paste, 1 tablespoon of ginger paste, tablespoon of pesto of choice ( sundried tomato, basil and pinenuts), half teaspoon of sea salt. Begin to process adding olive oil and little water to develope desired consistency. Serve with warm pita bread drizzled with olive oil and cracked black pepper. No pita bread no problem try grilling a flour tortilla. Now that is fusion cooking. Hits the spot. Maybe a glass of Red Wine to top it off.

  5. Leonard Garcia on

    Searching for something new. I grill eggplant but what else. Eggplant spinach chick pea dip? Turnips and that family. What to do with the odd looking veggies most pick up and put back down.. Here is a tip: I like to juice and I use an old juicer that produces much excess pulp. I use this pulp to make soup and even patty it up and grill it. Maybe mix in a little tuna. Just a tip if you want to pass it on.

  6. Amelia on

    Ann you do not have to se tahini, use olive oil,lemon juice and salt whip in with garlic,beets an chic peas. I have not made hummus with beets but have used red peppers .

    I am going to try it with beets. Any one using tahini should take care and blend it with the olive oil,little water and lemon juice so it wil be creamy otherwise will be thick and you have to keep stopping to mix the chic peas. You can sprinkle cut fine parsley on top. Also brown meat with onions (cut very small,diced) brown pine nuts ,then spread the hummus on a platter. Place the meat mixture(seasoned with salt,pepper sprinkle of allspice) spreading on top of hummus, great for any time,appetizer or meal.
    My son loves it and just scoops up with a spoon .

  7. Virginia Vivier on

    Doesn’t baking the beets cook out their nutritional value? Wouldn’t it be better to pulverize them in blender?

  8. Laura on

    Can you eat other seeds or nuts? Perhaps you can substitute sunflower seed butter, almond or peanut butter for the tahini.

  9. Ann on

    i have a high sensitivity to sesame so i can’t have tahini. is there an ingredient that would be a good substitute to use in this recipe?

    • Katie on

      You can make hummus without using Tahiti, I just leave it out. I also like to boil the chick peas with lemons and garlic before I process it. I reserve some of the liquid and add as needed. When you get the consistency you prefer, put in a serving dish and drizzle with your favorites olive oil.


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