Sweet Beet Juice - Dr. Axe

Sweet Beet Juice Recipe

Sweet beet juice recipe - Dr. Axe

This sweet beet juice recipe is great. It’s high in folate and silica making it great for healthy skin, hair and nails! Try this delicious recipe!


Total Time

2 minutes



Meal Type


  • ½ green apple
  • 1 beet
  • 2-3 stalks celery


  1. Add all ingredients to vegetable juicer. Gently mix juice together and consume immediately.

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  1. Sandra Ballow on

    Thank you Dr. Josh Axe I take your Ancient Collagen products and you give alot of good advice for my health
    I am 72 and usually healthy but in winter I get sinus swollen glands when chewing especially when I live alone and those that could help me family are going through covd healing I am always negative when I test for covd by my doctor thank God

  2. Sarah Carter on

    I’m diabetic would beets cause my blood sugar to elevate?
    I’m trying to keep my blood pressure regulated. I refuse to take BP meds.

  3. Donna on

    Please comment about recent report from Ocean Robbins that bone broth testing reveals it contains very high levels of unhealthy lead.

  4. Fred Watson on

    I don’t usually trust a grocery store to know or care where your ”fresh” veggies come from, so my wife & I started composting and gardening organically some time back. I have a disability and S. S. I. won’t help because of it’s (the illness, and yes, S. S. I. also) nature. Going on 20 years. Only one income helps motivate a person. We have, for years harvested our crops, juicing a large portion and freezing these juices in bags. You can preserve a seasonal crop and with a little ingenuity have a VERY wide range of drinks all year long. I know beets are the targeted topic, but a wide range of greens, reds, yellows and blues make up a very delicious and healthy buffet without any one taste becoming stale! ‘Buff seduce!

  5. Phil Sorensen on

    Beet juice is a great sun screen! Living in Mexico the sun is harsh and I’m a light blond. I found that consuming a tablespoon of beet juice powder to a glass of water prevents sunburns and the need for sunscreen. I drink it religiously in the morning with breakfast. Not sure if the affects are cumulative. This might require a tissue loading time of a week before exposure to the sun.

  6. Malka Mocci on

    Hi Dr. Axe,
    Can I add bone broth protein powder to a beet juice?
    I don’t have a juicer, just a blender, can i mix the bone broth with beet , berries and coconut milk?

  7. Rene on

    All the fruits and vegetables were healing back in my grandparents day and still are today only people giving negative comments in fruits and vegetables are in the medical field I believe because they ate trying to keep us all sick. Or the people who listen to these doctors and are on 20 bottles of mediciation.

  8. Mary Kuykendall on

    Is there another way to juice without a juicer. I’m on a fix income & juicers are expensive. So if you know of another way can you please tell me.
    Thank You
    Mary K. .

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      Hi Mary, I completely understand. You can make juice in a blender! It make come out more like a smoothie. You may want to try cooking the beets first for a better consistency in the blender.

  9. Susan Lohmiller on

    I Love Beet juice. Here is one that I make that is delicious. Also beets increase the oxygenation in the blood stream, which probably also helped the individual above fight cancer. Cancer can’t live in a well oxygenated environment. It improves oxygenation to the brain as well as lower blood pressure and increase blood flow–perhaps beets are “veggie Viagra.” LOL. And no side effects except if you eat/consume a lot of them your stool will be red and urine pink. Here is how I make my beet juice:
    2 medium beets
    4 medium carrots
    1 lemon
    1 apple
    1 inch of fresh ginger root


  10. Jan on

    Several people have asked….and have not received an answer. I also am interested. Please, Can anyone answer the question, for this recipe, do you first cook the beets or do you juice them fresh? Thank you so much!

  11. Mary on

    Can we use beets juice as daily drink for liver detox? Specially with elevated liver enzyme? And if it helps lower the liver enzyme, how long would it take to get back normal range if mine is just 7 outside the range?

  12. Steven on

    Yum! I *love* beet juice by itself or mixed with almost any other juice.

    By the way, they’re “healthful” recipes, not “healthy” ones; think of a fruitful plan versus a fruity plan of action.

  13. Audrey Craig on

    Hello Dr Axe
    Just came across your site and really delighted with what I read. Thank you.
    My question is with regards to vegetables, I’m not so good on raw veg. but certainly keen to have more in my diet so wondered if juicing would be as advantages as eating raw.
    Kind regards

  14. Nancina Rodgers on

    Hi Dr. Axe:
    Can you use can beets? Probably not but I just wanted to ask anyway. Thanks for all the good information.

    • Toni on

      No, those would be processed. Fresh, organic beets are the way to go if you’re looking for maximum health benefits.

  15. Lee on

    Is there acid in beet juice? Will it cause acid reflux? If a person has a trach tube is it safe to give in a feeding tube in stomache?

  16. Kathy on

    There are different kinds of beets. There ones used to make sugar are actually called “sugar beets”. The regular ones that are typically available to us aren’t quite as high in sugar. And hopefully they are organic. As with any fruits and vegetables we should always be mindful of quantity. Start slowly and just use 1/4 of one (beet) and combine it with other healthy choices like spinach, kale, chard, green apples, whey powder, carrot, squash, etc. Just wash and add bits and pieces of different things each day. Too much of any of it at first can make for lots of visits to the bathroom and/or gas and interesting stomach noises. That’s cleansing too fast! Moderate and fun as you build your health.

  17. Diane on

    If you have a slow masticating juicer the instructions state that the vitamins remain for 72 hours. With a fast juicer I believe you gave to consume all at the same time …. So make Jess.

  18. Kym on

    Should you drink the juice within a certain timeframe, so that it doesn’t lose its goodness if not drunk immediately after juicing ?

  19. Kathy Steurer on

    Just a comment fire your readers, there is a difference between juicing and making a smoothie. If you have a VitaMix, Nutribullet, or a blender….. you are making a smoothie. If you are juicing, you have a juicer, as if you’re making lemonade, for example. Usually with juicing, you’re trying to detoxify your body, so normally you don’t want to have more than one serving a day, depending on the particular recipe. However with smoothies, you could have those be your meals if you want, like some people add protein powders, and you can add fruits, vegetables, use almond milk, or coconut milk, or yogurt. There are soooo many different things! I hope this helps!

    • David on

      I have a Nutribullet and make 2 to 3 smoothies and use a wide variety of ingredients from kefir and raw eggs and nuts to multiple types of produce to a wide range of whole grains in my smoothies daily. I needed to know if it was safe to put a beet in. I will try it ( cut one up?).

      • Dr. Josh Axe on

        Hi David, you can put beets in a NutriBullet. If using raw, I recommend cutting them into small chunks that will allow the ingredients to be more easily combined.

  20. Loverel on

    Using raw, peeled beets gives off way less sugar vs processed beets for those concerned about the sugar content – these are great grated in salads too…!

  21. Gret Stromberg on

    I love beet greens and can’t imagine why they aren’t sold in quantity. They cook up really well, like spinach.


    Hello, I would like to ask you if could drink any of your vegetable juice for the whole day. What is your opinion? I would like to do so as a way of detox for a day.

    • Kay on

      The leaves are supposed to be really good for you also, like kale. I add them to protein shakes, along with a beet, and never notice any difference in taste.

  23. sally on

    we bought our selfs a nutrebullet to day im going to work on getting my bpressure down and lose some weight the healty way please wish me luck ty .

  24. Lydia Marsicek on

    Can a Ninja Bullet be used for juicing? I wasn’t sure if it would heat the vegetables too much & I’d end up losing nutritional value by using it.

  25. Dina Anthony on

    Last year I baught a juicer and due to high blood pressure was told to drink juice made with cabbage and beets. I followed this recommendation for a week or so. I would crash after drinking it and within 2 weeks had gained 10 lbs. I didn’t realize at the time I was spiking my sugar level up and my body was dealing with all that sugar. It took me a year to recover. I had put my juicer away during that time and am juicing again more intelligently this time. Can you give me some advice on incorporating beets (carrots and cabbage too) into my juice recipe where I won’t make this mistake again?

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      If you want to incorporate beets and carrots, I would only do so in small amounts. I wouldn’t juice any more than you would eat in 1 sitting. Otherwise try some other vegetables like cucumbers and celery!

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      You don’t have to strain the contents, you’d be losing great fiber and lots of the juice with it. If using a vitamix, I’d modify the recipe to be a smoothie instead of a juice.

      • Ruth on

        Indeed… And and more coconut water as needed for juice consistency. Vitamix keeps all the goodies of fruit, no need to strain. I make a similar juice with half beet, half green apple, one carrot, a knob of ginger, some broccoli, a cup of blueberries and conconut water as needed. It’s my favorite juice. Even with me “Eyeing” all the ingredients(measurements) and still made a tall glass plus another glass that I drank through out the morning at work

  26. Susan on

    Beets – I love beets, so I just wash the dirt off and dont cook it firts, just juice?? Do you use a liquid like coconut water in the mixture??

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      When juicing, you don’t need to add a liquid because the beet juice is squeezed out and the fiber is left. If you are looking to use the recipe to make a smoothie version, coconut water is a great addition!

      • Karen on

        Can you just blend all these fruits/veggies instead of juicing them? Would it still help with your health? The ones which help lower inflammation, could you just blend instead of juicing as well? Thanks!

  27. Irene on

    This beet juice sounds so good. Are you peeling the beet first? Do you have to boil the beet or just wash it.? I enjoy your healthy recipes thank you

  28. Rob on

    Hi Dr Axe, thanks for this juice. I make one similar, beet, apple & carrot known as miracle juice. Sometimes with that I also add celery. I follow you on Facebook & YouTube.

  29. Kim on

    I love beets. But, my doctor said they have a high sugar content, albeit natural sugar. I was told to watch my sugar. So, I try to limit too much fruit in my juices and use mostly greens. I bet it’s delicious though.

    • ALANA on

      Cancer cells love sugar. But, according to Jeff Primack, QiGong and Nutrition expert, a woman cured herself from pancreatic cancer using over A POUND of beets daily for a month! This proves that the natural sugar in beets is NOT deterimental and actually beneficial.




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