Dandelions have a reputation as both a granter of wishes and a dreaded weed and lawn nuisance. However, did you know that dandelion root is loaded with nutrients and boasts a variety of benefits to your health — just like dandelion greens and dandelion tea? What is dandelion root good for? This plant is low…
Most homeowners don't realize that the yellow weeds that pop up every spring and must be kept at bay for months are actually plants that have a number of powerful health benefits. In fact, humans have been using dandelions in food for much of recorded history, including dandelion tea. Dandelion root is used in the…
Dandelion greens may seem like little more than a common weed, sprouting up on lawns across the country as one of the first signs of spring. But did you know that this familiar plant actually doubles as a medicinal herb and versatile ingredient that's packed with health benefits? Besides bringing a pop of flavor and…
While knowledge about the benefits associated with probiotics has exploded over the past decade or so, many people are still unsure about how prebiotics and postbiotics work. Probiotics are the "good" (or "friendly") bacteria that colonize the digestive system and support many functions of the immune system. Prebiotics essentially feed probiotics, helping them survive and…
While you may have never heard the term nutrient density before, you’re likely already familiar with the concept of eating mostly nutrient-dense foods. There are many ways that health experts describe the idea of eating a nutrient-dense diet. For example, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of the book “Eat to Live,” coined the now-trendy term “nutritarian.” I…
Nutrient-dense foods are those that provide a high amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial compounds relative to their calorie content. These superfoods are packed with nutrients essential for health, without containing too many calories, unhealthy fats, added sugars or refined carbohydrates. Incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet is one of the most effective…
Prebiotic foods are types of dietary fibers that promote the activity and growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. These substances are not digestible by the human body but serve as a source of nutrition for the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. They help feed probiotics, which we know benefit so many aspects of…
By now, most people are well-aware that foods rich in dietary fiber and probiotic foods offer a long list of benefits and are essential to overall health. Nonetheless, prebiotics are still largely underappreciated and often lacking in the typical American diet. Unfortunately, this can result in serious issues like indigestion, inflammation, impaired immunity, weight gain…
Although most people have heard of monosaccharides and polysaccharides, very few are familiar with oligosaccharides. These beneficial compounds are found in many of the foods that we eat every day and have been linked to some serious benefits, such as improved heart health, increased weight loss and better blood sugar control. Learn more about common…
No doubt about it, overeating (high calorie intake) and its connection to obesity is one of the most complex and challenging issues in health care today. That's where a natural appetite suppressant can help. There are many reasons why you might feel like you’re always hungry, including nutrient deficiencies, a lack of fiber or healthy…