1071-1080 of 1378 Results

Pellagra (+ 5 Natural Ways to Treat Niacin Deficiency)

Pellagra is niacin deficiency. This means your body doesn’t have enough niacin or is unable to use the niacin it does have. Niacin is a B vitamin that is essential for your health. Pellagra may also develop if you do not have enough tryptophan in the diet. In most cases, pellagra is easily reversed with…

Signs of a Miscarriage (+ 6 Ways to Help Ease Recovery After a Miscarriage)

Miscarriages are very common, but that does not make them less distressing. They are the unintended loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation. More than 2 in every 10 pregnancies in the United States is believed to end in miscarriage. That number goes up to about four in every 10 once very early miscarriages…

What’s Not to Love? Lovage Helps UTIs + 4 More Lovage Benefits

You may not have heard of lovage. It's a lesser-known plant, but it actually has many culinary as well as medicinal uses. What is the flavor of lovage? It's often described as being similar to celery. What is the herb lovage used for? In the kitchen, it's a memorable addition to all kinds of dishes…

Symptoms of ADHD, Diet and Treatment

Difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, excessive energy and inability to sit still are some of the most common symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The number of children diagnosed with ADHD continues to increase, but researchers don’t know why. Currently, it's estimated that 9 percent of American teens and over 4 percent of American adults have…

Autism Natural Treatment, Including the Right Foods & Supplements

Autism is a developmental disorder that initially occurs in early childhood. It generally affects a child’s language, behavior and social skills in development. The exact cause of autism is unknown, but some reasons may include medications (specifically valproic acid and thalidomide) taken during pregnancy, exposure to toxins, infections, inflammation, leaky gut, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies and…

Learn to Recognize the 12 Signs of Depression

Did you know that depression is predicted to be the leading cause of disease burden by 2030? In fact, it's already the leading cause in women worldwide. When including depressive-related deaths due to suicide and stroke, depression has the third highest global disease burden. (1) For people with depression, their negative thoughts overshadow all of…

13 Natural Remedies for Depression: Find Hope Again!

Did you know that 1 out of 7 individuals will suffer from depression symptoms at some point in his or her life? Today, depression is one of the main causes of disability in developed, as well as low and medium income countries. In fact, around 150 million people suffer from depression worldwide. (1) The World Health Organization…

What Is Choline? Benefits, Sources & Signs of Choline Deficiency

Choline is a macronutrient that’s important for liver function, normal brain development, nerve function, muscle movement, supporting energy levels and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Choline is present in the form of phosphatidycholine, a compound that makes up the structural component of fat, and thus can be found in different types of foods that naturally contain…

Chickpeas Nutrition Benefits the Gut, Heart & More

Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans, are one of the oldest consumed crops in the world. In fact, they have been a part of certain traditional diets for over 7,500 years, and it's not hard to see why when you take into account the benefits of chickpeas nutrition. Today, chickpeas remain one of the most popular legumes…