101-110 of 418 Results

6 Vegetarian Diet Benefits and Guidelines to Follow

According to research published by Gallup in 2023, people who follow a vegetarian diet is 4 percent among Americans. In the U.S., those who follow the more strict vegan diet — meaning they avoid all animal products — represent just 1 percent of the total adult population. Several analyses that have compared vegetarian diets to…

Lower Back Pain Relief: 6 Recommended Remedies

It's estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience persistent symptoms of lower back pain at some point in their lives, and about 31 million Americans struggle with the condition at any given time. That leaves many searching for lower back pain relief. Given its extremely high prevalence rate — whether due to a…

Prebiotic Benefits for the Gut, Plus How They Work with Probiotics

By now, most people are well-aware that foods rich in dietary fiber and probiotic foods offer a long list of benefits and are essential to overall health. Nonetheless, prebiotics are still largely under-appreciated and often lacking in the typical American diet. Unfortunately, this can result in serious issues like indigestion, inflammation, impaired immunity, weight gain and…

GABA: the Neurotransmitter that May Relieve Stress and Insomnia

Most people have never even heard of GABA, let alone know what it does in the body. However, for those suffering from anxiety or insomnia, this important neurotransmitter can be the key to reducing symptoms. In fact, many medications that are used to treat these conditions function by boosting the activity of this neurotransmitter in…

Drinking Pickle Juice Is Good for You: Fact or Myth?

Pickle juice sports drinks may be a "hack" utilized by some athletes to prevent cramps and fatigue, but what do studies actually say? Are there any benefits to drinking pickle juice? Most experts agree that more research focused on the potential beneficial effects of salty drinks for athletic performance are needed. However, there are some…

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally: 10 Ways

Did you know the average 75-year-old Okinawan male has much higher levels of testosterone than the average American male who is 30 years younger, and today, low testosterone in males is rapidly growing? There are a few factors, including lifestyle, body weight and not eating enough foods that boost testosterone. Maintaining the right level of…

Tyrosine Benefits for Brain & Thyroid Health (+ Foods & Dosage Info)

Tyrosine is an important precursor to neurotransmitters and substances like epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine, which means it helps the body produce chemicals that support your thyroid, energy and mood. This is why some people claim that taking this amino acid can help speed up your metabolism. Not only can you get it from eating foods…

Piriformis Syndrome: How to Manage This Lower-Body Pain Disorder

Do you ever experience shooting lower back pains, pain in your hips and buttocks area or a tingling or numbness that extends down to your feet? If so, there’s a chance you have piriformis syndrome. The good news is there are ways you can help prevent and manage symptoms to get the pain relief you…

Artichoke’s Profound Health Benefits, Plus How to Cook and Eat

Records of eating artichokes date back to Ancient Greece and the Roan Empire. There are texts indicating that these populations consumed the naturally occurring variant of the artichoke, the cardoon — especially for help managing rheumatism and gout — thanks to all artichoke nutrition has to offer. Today, this native plant is still found in the same…

5 Natural Treatments for Anemia Symptoms

Anemia, also known as anaemia, occurs when your blood has a lower than normal number of red blood cells or if your red blood cells don't have enough hemoglobin. Because a side effect of anemia is low circulation of oxygen, anemia symptoms usually include muscle weakness, ongoing fatigue or lethargy, brain fog, and sometimes mood…