1301-1310 of 1562 Results

Signs of Autism You Don’t Want to Ignore

You can’t help but hear about how autism rates are rising in the news today. There’s good reason why, too. Government officials report that autism spectrum disorder is now diagnosed in 1 in every 68 children, which makes it the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the country. More children are being diagnosed with autism each year than…

Homemade Laundry Soap

Doing the laundry can be expensive, especially for families. But laundry soap is not only pricey, it also typically contains toxic chemicals. Next time, instead of buying your soap at your local grocery store, why not try making it yourself with this homemade laundry soap recipe? Homemade laundry soap is not only easy to make,…

How I Reversed PCOS Naturally (No Medications!) 

I remember it like it was yesterday — I was 16 years old and my mother was taking me to the gynecologist because of my heavy, irregular periods and face full of hormonal acne. After she examined me and asked a few questions, I was given a prescription for birth control pills without a second…

Is Cheese Bad for You? Top 5 Healthiest Cheese Options & Benefits

What is the healthiest cheese to eat? The healthiest type of cheese is debatable, but there are certainly cheeses that are clearly healthier than others. There are also specific qualities — such as certified USDA organic and raw — that can make a cheese more health-promoting in our bodies. Is cheese bad for you? Like…

DIY Sleep Aid with 4 Essential Oils

Essential oils have long been known to help with numerous ailments and celebrations, and that includes the birth of Jesus! The wide array of benefits is endless and helping you get a restful night of sleep is one of them. What’s great about essential oils is that you don’t get that groggy feeling or other side effects…

Vetiver Oil Improves ADHD, Anxiety & Brain Health (And Repels Termites, Too!)

Vetiver oil has been used in traditional medicine in South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Africa for thousands of years. It's native to India, and both its leaves and roots have wonderful uses. Vetiver is known as a sacred herb valued because of its uplifting, soothing, healing and protective properties. It's a natural body cooler — making…

5 Dangers of Birth Control Pills, Plus Side Effects & Alternatives

In industrialized nations today, synthetic hormonal oral contraception (aka the birth control pill) is the most common practice for preventing pregnancy. Despite evidence suggesting that there are many possible dangers of birth control pills, millions of women choose to take these hormonal medications every year. In fact, 67 percent of all women who report "practicing contraception" currently…

Is It Safe to Eat Deer Meat? Top 6 Venison Benefits

Venison is one of the more underappreciated types of game meat on the market. Unless you've grown up around hunting or have ventured out of your comfort zone when ordering at a fancy restaurant, there's a good chance you may not have even tried deer meat before. That being said, there are plenty of reasons…

7 Best Home Remedies for Cough

Coughing is a common reaction to the respiratory system trying to expel harmful microbes, dust or irritants from the body. It's a natural reflex that protects your lungs, but as you know, it can be extremely irritating, obnoxious and even painful. Coughing can also keep you up at night and impact your quality of life…