1271-1280 of 1562 Results

Sun Spots + 5 Natural Ways to Help Treat Sun-Damaged Skin

The sun's golden warmth on your skin may feel nice, but it could be wreaking havoc on your skin. One of the most visible, and the most common, symptoms of sun damage to your skin is sun spots. Also known as liver spots, solar lentigo, or age spots, not only do sun spots on skin make…

Psoriasis Diet, Essential Oils & Supplements for Natural Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin disease that causes inflammation and scaling of the skin that affects approximately 2 percent to 2.6 percent of the U.S. population. (1) Normal, healthy skin experiences cell turnover about once a month, but when you have psoriasis, the skin cells rise way too fast and actually pile up on top…

Phubbing: The Latest Ugly Side Effect of Cell Phone Use

As if the link between cell phones and cancer wasn't enough, we now have phubbing to worry about. Now, you may or may not be wondering: What is phubbing? Maybe using phubbing in a sentence will help: While having coffee with a friend, I was trying to tell her about my new job, but she was basically phubbing…

Top 14 Herbs of the Bible that Heal & Nourish

People have been using herbs for thousands of years for their culinary and medicinal benefits. I want to tell you about some of the most popular herbs of the Bible and what they were traditionally used for as well as how they are still used to this day. As the Bible states in Psalms 104:14,…

Can the Ketogenic Diet Treat Depression and Anxiety, Even Schizophrenia?

Mental illnesses range in severity from mildly inconvenient to completely debilitating. Unfortunately, no matter the level, there are few ways to effectively treat many psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia — the disease that’s been a common topic for filmmakers and authors as the pinnacle of crippling insanity. However, research has begun slowly leaning toward a possible…

Gilbert’s Syndrome + 10 Natural Ways to Boost Liver Health

Gilbert’s syndrome, also known as “constitutional hepatic dysfunction” and “familial nonhemolytic jaundice” occurs when the liver doesn’t process bilirubin properly. This is a common and harmless liver condition that may only present when the whites of your eyes or skin present with a yellowish tone (jaundice). (1) If you have jaundice, make an appointment with…

Is Pasta Healthy? The Answer May Surprise You 

Is pasta healthy? Like other processed carbohydrates — including most cereals, bread and baked goods— pasta has been deemed a problematic food when it comes to packing on the pounds. In fact, in recent decades pasta has even been blamed for contributing to the obesity epidemic, despite the fact that it's been a staple food…

What Your Chest Pain Means + 9 Natural Treatments & Prevention

Few things are as frightening as chest pains. The first thing that comes to mind is a heart attack. While chest pains and heart attacks often do go hand-in-hand, there are so many other conditions that can cause similar discomfort and pain. Some of the causes are quite serious and potentially fatal, and other causes are…

Propylene Glycol: The Additive with Potentially Dangerous Side Effects

Nobody likes to hear that an ingredient in antifreeze — propylene glycol — is also found in food. However, what exactly does that mean? In recent years, there has been much frustration and confusion about the chemical compound known as propylene glycol. It’s found in literally thousands of products in various amounts, and some people…

Pemphigus (+ 5 Natural Ways to Help Relieve Symptoms)

Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin. It causes blisters on the skin and in the mouth, throat, nose, eyes and genitals. There are medical and natural treatments that can help relieve and even prevent some symptoms of the condition. There is currently no cure for pemphigus. What Is Pemphigus? Pemphigus is an…