1311-1320 of 1562 Results

7 Best Home Remedies for Cough

Coughing is a common reaction to the respiratory system trying to expel harmful microbes, dust or irritants from the body. It's a natural reflex that protects your lungs, but as you know, it can be extremely irritating, obnoxious and even painful. Coughing can also keep you up at night and impact your quality of life…

5 Healthy Ways to Spice Up Your Green Tea

Green tea is renowned for its health benefits — it helps with weight loss, keeps your heart healthy and is a powerhouse of cancer-fighting antioxidants. (1) In fact, recent studies have focused on the ability of green tea to help prevent two major health problems faced by Americans today: heart disease and obesity. Research has…

Agar Agar: The Vegan Gelatin Substitute that Promotes Satiety & Regularity

From soft, squishy marshmallows to sweet, fruit-filled gummy snacks, gelatin is pretty abundant throughout the food supply, which can make it challenging if you're on a vegan diet or looking to limit your consumption of animal products. Enter agar agar, a plant-based food thickener that's both versatile and packed with health benefits. Not only is…

8 Massage Therapy Benefits (Reduce Pain, Speed Healing + More)

It's now estimated that in the U.S. alone the massage therapy industry generates over $12 billion annually! Roughly 39.1 million adult Americans (18 percent of the total population) had a massage at least once in the previous year, according to the American Massage Therapy College, Not only is massage therapy an effective way to help…

Is Elk Meat Healthy? Top 6 Benefits of Elk Meat Nutrition

Elk meat may not make a regular appearance in your family's weekly dinner rotation, but maybe it should. High in protein, low in fat, and jam-packed with tons of vitamins and minerals, elk meat is truly a powerhouse of nutrition. Not only is it healthy, but it's also incredibly versatile. You can swap it in…

How Wine Helps Fight Cavities

If you enjoy kicking back with a red wine, here's another reason to pour yourself a glass. According to a recent study, the antioxidants found in red wine known as polyphenols can protect teeth by ridding the mouth of harmful bacteria that cause gum disease and cavities. How Wine Helps Fight Cavities When it comes…

6 Goat Cheese Benefits, Nutrition Facts & Recipes

If you're a lover of cheese, you might wonder what kind of cheese, if any, is good for you. Goat cheese, with its tangy taste and crumbly texture, has earned a reputation as being one of the healthiest cheese choices there is. What are some of the reasons that nutritionists and even certain obesity experts…

Keto Alkaline Diet: The Missing Link of the Ketogenic Diet

My 49-year-old patient Jini arrived in my office with 40 pounds of excess weight, a family history of breast cancer, and complaints of fatigue and low libido. But she had an idea. She’d recently read an article about how ketogenic diets could boost weight loss, provide cancer prevention plus other health benefits, and even help…

Itchy, Dry Eyes? How to Relieve Dry Eye Syndrome 9 Natural Ways

Dry eyes are caused when there is insufficient tear production, or the quality of tears is poor. Tears are an integral part of eye health, and without adequate tear production you can be at risk for a scratched cornea, corneal ulcers and eye infections as the tears aren’t washing away particulates and germs. (1) The…

Raynaud’s Syndrome (+ 6 Tips for Natural Raynaud’s Treatment)

Do you ever experience a numb or tingling feeling in your fingers and toes when it's really cold outside? For most people this is just an occasional problem that occurs when blood flow to your extremities is reduced. But for some people this is an ongoing problem that leads to uncomfortable and unsightly attacks or…