171-180 of 1377 Results

Peach Nutrition: Heart-Healthy, Gut-Friendly and Downright Delicious

You should learn to love your peach fuzz — and no, I’m not referring to the facial hair. Peaches are a valuable source of nutrition, and peach nutrition helps your body fight free radicals, prevent cancer and protect your heart from disease. A native fruit to China, the peach has been around for millennia and…

Rutabaga Nutrition Benefits Immunity, Digestion & More

Rutabagas are root vegetables that are high in fiber, vitamin C and potassium — and are even associated with a lower risk of certain types of cancer. Despite being low in calories and fat-free, the rutabaga is very flavorful, which explains why this veggie is often added to rich, hearty dishes. The roots can be…

Dairy-Free Eggnog Recipe

If eggnog makes the list of why you love the holiday season, then you've come to the right recipe. Eggnog is rich, sweet and creamy. Typically, those desirable attributes come from things like milk, cream, eggs and sugar in the majority of eggnog recipes. For this eggnog recipe, we're definitely keeping the eggs, but instead…

Tempeh: Learn How to Cook This Probiotic Food

Once popular solely among those following a vegan or vegetarian diet, tempeh has become a beloved staple in households across the globe thanks to its versatility, delicious flavor and the impressive nutrient profile that it offers. In fact, it tops the charts as one of the best meatless protein sources available, right alongside beans, lentils and…

Brussels Sprouts Benefits for Fighting Disease, Plus Best Recipes

Small, cabbage-like and often ignored on plates across America, Brussels sprouts become more popular every Fall because they're often used at holiday time. Packed with vital nutrition, they deserve to extend into the other seasons. Brussels sprouts nutrition provide many important health benefits: plenty of antioxidants, help prevent cancer and heart disease, support for digestive…

6 Potential Health Benefits of Mistletoe (Plus, Its History)

For most people, mistletoe brings to mind none other than a white Christmas. Besides serving as a festive winter decoration, did you know that mistletoe is also used in herbal medicine and has been for hundreds of years? It’s a little known fact that there is actually more than one type of mistletoe. In fact, it’s…

Maple Syrup: the Most Versatile, Best Natural Sweetener?

Maple syrup is now among the most commonly consumed natural sweeteners worldwide. What are the benefits of maple syrup? This sweetener does more than make your pancakes taste sweet. It surprisingly has health benefits, including providing certain protective phytochemicals. Similar to the contrast between whole and refined grains, unrefined natural sweeteners that are used as sugar…

Top Zinc Benefits to Improve Health & How to Regulate Levels

You may have heard that zinc benefits include the ability to help people recovering from the common cold or other illnesses, but this mineral is also needed by those who aren’t sick and who don’t have compromised immune function. As an essential mineral, zinc should be consumed in small amounts every day in order to…

What an Itchy Scalp Means & How to Get Rid of It Naturally

Do you have an itch? Some scratch their heads while giving something some serious thought in a “hmm, let me think about that” sort of moment. But for many others, a serious scratching is desired because there is a genuine and persistent itch on the head, specifically an itchy scalp. Often, we assume it must…

Quinoa for Weight Loss & Fighting Disease (Plus How to Cook It)

Often considered one of the world's healthiest foods, quinoa is a powerhouse of nutrition that offers an array of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in every serving. Interestingly enough, the quinoa pronunciation (keen-wah) isn't the only source of confusion when it comes to this incredible ingredient. In fact, although it's commonly known as an “ancient grain,”…