181-190 of 407 Results

Vegan Coconut Cocoa Cheesecake Recipe

Cheesecake is delicious, creamy and full of dairy. As such, you might be surprised to learn that not only can you make a vegan cheesecake, but it can taste fantastic. That's the case with my vegan coconut cocoa cheesecake. This is the type of dessert you'll want to serve company, especially those who've sworn off anything…

Exfoliating Foot Scrub with Essential Oils

Tired and achy feet are common complaints, especially for those who have jobs that required standing all day. One of my favorite ways to manage my foot care is through gentle exfoliation, also known as a foot scrub. A simple walk on the beach can provide this, but since most of us do not have beaches…

Pre-Poo at Home for Hydrated, Soft & Shiny Hair

Pre-poo might sound like something you do to aid digestion, and while it is done in the bathroom, it's a method that benefits the health of your hair, not your bowels. Pre-pooing is what you do before shampooing your hair in order to provide moisture and improve hair texture. By locking in hydration and strengthening…

How Bathing in a Tub for 10 Minutes Changes Your Mindset (& Much More!)

There is something so therapeutic about slowing down and taking a warm bath, but the benefits of bathing in a tub go far beyond a few minutes of relaxation. Emerging research suggests creating a regular tub bathing routine could play a role in transforming your health. Here are some incredible benefits of taking a bath…

Marjoram Essential Oil Helps Improve Digestion & Heart Health

If you're not familiar with marjoram, you likely know its close cousin — oregano. It's an herb that has a very specific history of culinary and medicinal use, and it's often found in marjoram essential oil form. According to Greek mythology, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was a huge fan of this herb, which led to…

Candida Diet: The Foods & Supplements to Eat (and Avoid) to Treat Candida

When it's at proper levels in the body, candida is a fungus that aids with nutrient absorption and digestion, but when candida overproduces, it can then become a serious concern that causes a wide variety of negative and serious health problems. A yeast-free candida diet is one of the best ways to reduce and eliminate…

Color Therapy Benefits for Mood & More (Plus How to Do It)

The use of color for healing — aka color therapy — dates back as at least 2,000 years to Ancient Greece, Egypt and China, where color and light in the form of sunlight, crystal reflections, paints and plants were utilized to improve people's moods. What is color therapy, and how does it work? Today, color…

Eat to Beat Disease: How to Eat for Optimal Health

It's no secret that what you eat has immense effect on your health, and it turns out you can actually eat to beat disease. No one know this better than Dr. William Li, MD, author of the book "Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Health Itself." Li has been…

Use Neem Oil to Improve Your Skin — and Even Fight Pests

With its bitter taste and garlic-like smell, neem oil has the ability to act like an all-natural pesticide that deters both insects and diseases. Loaded with nutrients, neem oil is also used in natural skin care products because it contains high levels of antioxidants, including carotenoids that help protect the skin from oxidative stress and free…